The new piece of sh!t (Part 14)

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(Wanna know how I look like?)

(Triggered bc of broken chopsticks

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(Triggered bc of broken chopsticks.)

Your POV
Max and I went back to camp.
Well, Daniel was driving with his white car.
We arrived and...

Still the same.
Max was cuddling with me(still outside) until we say the bus driver.
When he opened the door he looked really stressed.
« Good luck with this one » the bus driver who was the quarter master said.
Then a blond girl at my height looked verrryy... bitchy...
« Why hello there, young lady! I'm Daniel. I'll be your camp counselor this summer.
You must be Britney! » (it's not Britney Spears -_-) Daniel said.
« Yeah,Yeah. Whatever you skinny homeless bitch! » the bi-err... Britney said to Daniel.
« Woah, watch the language there! » Daniel said.
« Whatever,fucktard. » Britney said.
She then walked somewhere else.
Daniel sighed.
« Guess she's the next one. » Daniel said to himself.
What did he mean by that.
I then see Britney like, being way too close to Max.
« Heyy,hot stuff! » Britney said to Max while rubbing her hand to his chest.
I got jealous... but at least Max is not blushing??
« Umm hi? » Max said.
« Sooo, you wanna be like more than frieeennds~! » Britney said with her face close to Max's.
« What? » Max asked.
Britney ignored his question.
« Did you know that you're so cuuute~? » Britney asked.
« Oh, but you know who's really cute? » Max asked her.

Britney's POV
« Oh, but you know who's really cute? » Max asked me.
It's gonna be meeeeee!! It better be!!!!
« Ohhh, is it me~? » I asked flipping my hair and being hot.
« Wrong! It's I guess, my girlfriend, (y/n)! » Max said pulling over a girl who is about my height with (h/c) medium/long/short hair with (e/c).
She was blushing like, a lot!
How dare she stole him from me!
And how is SHE his type! She looks like a total WHORE!!
She's gonna regret this!!
« O-oh. Really? » I said trying my best to not look angry.
« Yup! We even had our first kiss! » he said while hugging (y/n).

Your POV
Walked to go to the bathroom and then I got pinned on the wall by...

« Hey,SLUT. You trying to steal my man? » she asked me.
I didn't respond.
« Answer me, bitch!! » she shouted.
She then slaps me and I fell on the ground with tears coming down my face.
« Listen,CRYBABY. If you answer I'll go easy on you. » she said.
« I don't know,Okay!! He just forced me and I just started to like him!! » I explained.
« Hmm. Forcing huh? « she said.
« Welp,thanks for explaining. Here, how about you dive in the blood of pigs, PIG BREATH!! » she said while pulling out a bucket of pig's blood and poured it all over me.
She laughed and walked out.
I cried again.
I cried for a moment and heard footsteps.
I see Max with a confused look.
« What happened, sweetheart? Why are you all bloody? » he asked me while hugging me.
« ... i-it was B-britney... » I explained through sobs.
« ... what did she do. » he asked with a creepy voice.
« U-um... she called me names and trying to know why you loved me then she poured pig's blood all over me... » I explained.
« ...go take a shower. I'll have a little talk with Britney. » said while pulling me up and walked away.

Max' POV
How dare she hurt my (y/n).
She's gonna regret for what she has done to her...
Well... I guess I could make a plan to sacrifice Britney...

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