*Idk what to call this one but how she do that?? 👆* (part 16)

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Max' POV

Well, I actually feel better now!
I just have to bury her body or...
Oh that's right! There was a shovel outside!
I pick Britney's lifeless body to put her outside.
I lay her down and shoveled a big hole to hid her body.
I was done burying her and got back to camp.
I see that (y/n) was clean but was wearing my clothes.
My face felt hot seeing her wearing it.
« Hey (y/n)..! » I said.
« Oh, hey Max..Uh, sorry! I didn't find my clothes so... » I cut her off.
« No, no! It's fine, sweetcheeks! » I said.
« So.. what did you said to Britney? You told me that you where going to talk to her. » she said.
« Oh she just... got unlucky. » I replied.
« What do you mean by that..? » she asked me.
I was about to say something but Daniel called me.
« Coming! » I replied to him.
« I better be going, see y'a, sweetheart! » I said to (y/n).
I kissed her and ran to see Daniel.
« So did you do it? » Daniel asked me.
« Yes I did, I also made sure she was completely lifeless! » I replied to Daniel.
He nodded and we high fived.
(Da BItCH iS dEAd)

(A/n: sorry if it's short and have a nice dayy :D

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