Poolparty (part 10)

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Your POV

Max and I slept. I was awake but I was still laying on the bed.
Max was still asleep, I was thinking about what happened last time.
I felt hot while thinking. I then see Daniel opening the door.
« Wake up, lovebirds! » Daniel said. Then Max woke up.
« Yes Daniel? » Max said a little hyper.
« Today,I've decided that we're going to have a pool party! » Daniel said.
« Really? » Max asked getting excited.
« Yuppers! So go get a towel and get dressed to go swimming! » Daniel said.
Max's smile grew wide but not TOO wide.
« Come on ,bun-bun! Let's go get dressed and get ready! » Max said while pulling me to the bathroom.
He gave me my own bathing suit from my suit case from day 1.
I put it on in the bathroom while Max was changing in the other room.
I was done changing, I grabbed a towel and open the door
I saw that Max was already done changing.
He was wearing white shorts (he's gonna swim with shorts). I could see his toned chess.
My face felt hot looking at him.
« Hey, honey-bun! You look great in that swim suit! » Max said. I blushed.
« Uh..th-thanks. » I stuttered.
«Well, we better hurry our way to fun! » he said while holding my hand and pulling me with him outside.
We saw everyone in white bathing suits and was inside a giant pool.
Daniel said that he was going to do something.
Max and I got into the pool and Max was staring at me. My face felt hot again.

Max' POV

(Y/n) was so..cute... her (e/c),(h/c)...

And her body...! I saw her staring back at me so I stopped watching.

Brainwashed!Max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now