Makeout?? (Part 17)

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Max' POV

Me and (y/n) walked through the forest together.
We took a pause of walking and there was a tall rectangular- oh it was a toilet.(inside of the rectangular.. idk what it's called)
(Y/n) told me that she was going to the bathroom.
I let her go there and then there was suddenly a group of edgy kids at my age walking up to me.
« Hey, guys. Check this loner out. » The brunette in front of me said to the others. They all laughed.
« So, you got any friends? I bet you don't even HAVE a girlfriend! » he said.
« Actually, I do have a girlfriend. She's at the bathroom. » I responded.
The brunette looked at me shocked but was trying his best to not have emotions.
« Really? What did you two did to become more than friends? » he asked me.
« We kissed I guess. » I responded.
« Lame. You should do something else than just kiss. » he said.
« Like what? » I asked.
« Like making out and having sex you dumb ass!! » he responded with a 'Are you stupid' look on his face.
« Wh-what?? I can't have s.e.x. with her! We're not adults yet! » I responded.
« FINE. You could at least make out with her. » he said.
« But... I don't what that is. » I said.
« *sigh*, making out is when two persons' tongues rub together and goes to each others mouth. » he explained to me.
I then see that (y/n) was finally done using the bathroom.
We walked back to camp.
We arrived. We got inside of my bedroom (where we sleep) and watched movies until it was pretty dark outside.

(Y/n)' POV

« Hey (y/n)? » Max asked me.
« Yeah? » I replied.
« Wanna try the making out thing with our tongues? » he asked me.
What?? Who taught him that??
« Umm.. who told you that? » I asked him.
« While you were using the bathroom, some edgy guys walked up to me and explained me what was making out. » he replied.
« So, can we do it? » he asked.
I turn my head to face him.
He made puppy eyes again like last time. His eyes were telling me 'Please..?'.
Oh god, I can't say no to him....
« *sigh* fine.. » I replied.
Our faces got closer, and closer.
We opened our mouths. Our tongues got into each other's mouths.
We stopped and wiped our own mouths.
« That was..great. » I said with a red face.
« Y-yeah.. » Max agreed.

Max' POV
That was satisfying...
She tasted really good also.
We continued to watch the movie we were watching.
She had a red face. She's so cute when she blushes!

I wonder how sex works... but not perverted or something..!
Well.. maybe...

A/n: wtf did I just wrote

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