Accidently saw (Part 20)

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Max' POV

After I told (y/n) to stay in the room, I got outside and searched for the man that tried to end (y/n)'s life.
I finally found it. The fun now begins....
I impatiently knocked 4 times and they answered.
« The fuck do you want? Didn't I gave you candy earlier? » the same man asked me.
« Oh, I'm sorry.I forgot I didn't gave you one filled with needles. » he said.
The other guys laughed at the back.
I got pissed.
« I'm not here for candy fucknut. I'm here to kill FOR MY LOVER. » I replied cracking my own neck.
He gave me a look of confusion but then started laughing.
« What the shit are you talking about! I guess that explains why you're dressed as Chucky!! What are you, FIVE!!?» he laughed.
I sighed. He really is an asshole. Just like the hoe (Britney) from last time.(Nicky Minaj: YoUz A sTuPiD hOE)
« Aww, why you mad? You gonna strangle me with those small hands of yo— ARgHH!! »
I cut him off by kicking him on his nuts. (IF u don't like me bich, fighT mE BiCH xD)
« ugh.. you little shit! » he shouted and the other man came up.
But before they got closer, I got my knife and stabbed the the guy's neck that I kicked on.


I burnt their bodies and walked back to camp.
It's been a long day.
Now I finally have time to cuddle and kiss with my princess...

(Y/n)'s POV

I got in the bathroom to dress up in normal clothes.
I was gonna wear a (f/c) tank top that could show my stomach with (another/f/c) tight leggings cuz, it was pretty comfy.
I already washed the makeup and hair dye.
I undressed so, now I was fully naked. I was about to reach my other clothes until...
The door opened.
Shit, I forgot to lock the door!!

Max' POV
I opened the bathroom's door to check if (y/n) was there since she wasn't in the bed room.
« Hey sweetheart, you in here—... » I stopped on my tracks and looked at her body.
I blushed and stopped looking so, I covered my eyes.
« S-sorry!! » I stuttered and got out of the room and closed the door behind me.
I sat on the couch but then I felt something weird on my crotch.
I looked down and...
Oh mY.

(What do you think he saw? :D)

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