Girls' fight (Part 23)

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Your POV

Everybody looked at me, some in relief that I was finally here, bECAUSE BITchNEY (sorry if your name's actually Britney also ;-;) CaME— uh, Britney came. AND StOLE MY ROLEpLAY—(ok I'll stop now😬😂)
« How dare you ruined the best hot kissing moment you thot!! » Britney yelled at me.
Now I was in complete anger now.

I could also hear Jen shouting back « THANK GOD YOU RUINED THE KISSING MOMENT!! ».

« You

FUCKIN SHIT TITS » I yelled back at Britney, running my way to her to beat the shit out of her fake ass.
The fight started and of course, everybody was on my side because, they all knew that Britney was rude.

(Here's the fight :))

(You're the girl in red and the other one is Britney)

Max' POV

Wow, very impressive... I mean, I've never seen (y/n) fight or defended herself like that. But, I am proud that she did. Like, look, Britney's all ready giving up—...
I got an idea...

Your POV

After the great fight, Daniel and Jen decided to tie up Britney up stage. Seems... um.. pretty normal
« Alrighty (y/n), it's now time for you to sacrifice her! » Daniel sai— wait what?!
« But isn't that a.. little too far? » I asked.
« Cmon (y/n)... did you forget about how rude she was? She'll be gone, we'll even cast some sort of spell on her, so that she could finally leave us alone » Max said.
Jen crouched down and handed me a... cultist knife.(sorry, I forgot how it's called) « It's not that hard, kid. You'll just stab her until she's dead and it will be done » she cheered.
I sighed and slightly nodded.

I walked up stage to Britney not sure if I should kill her or not. She looked at me with tears falling out of her eyes, looking like it's saying to not hurt her.
« Please..don't ... I'm sorry... » she begged, sobbing.

                                                  Should I kill or save Britney?

(A/n: comment if you should kill or save your enemy

And uh, sorry if it was kinda short)

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