That one camper (prt.2)

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Third P.O.V.
While (Y/N) and (BFF/N) had meeted the other brainwashed campers (which (Y/N) and (BFF/N) doesn't know),(Y/N) felt like..somebody was.......watching her(sorry boys!Um.Just pretend!).But when she turned around,she was right,it was Max!
Max was just standing there blushing and staring at me...

Brainwashed!Max' P.O.V.
I woke up this morning by birds chirping, and when I got up and go outside of my tent,I see that Daniel was outside and already awake. « Goooood morning,Max! » Daniel said « Good mornin' Daniel! »I replied. « Max, we've got good news today,because we're gonna have 2 new special campers today! »Daniel said. « New campers!?(*0*) »The other campers said « Yup!And it is (Y/N) and (BFF/N)!Now let's go to the mess hall everybody or you'll start starving! »Daniel said.I'm very exited to make new friends! :))))
After the others and I were done eating breakfast,I.....heard two new voices must be the new campers!
Then after a couple of minutes,I saw two kids(and Daniel).Then we introduce ourselves but I just stood and blushed behind that one camper that seemed to be (Y/N),she was so cute like.....she needs to be mine.

Daniel's P.O.V.
I watched the campers introducing them selves,I took a glance at Max and he was just standing behind (Y/N) blushing.Wow...!This is the first time I've seen him like this! He should be confused about the feeling he's having,I should tell him now since he got nothing to do.

Brainwashed! Max ' P.O.V.
I felt like..butterflies in my stomach but I didn't mean 'hungry' I mean i mean,I love Daniel but...not this way.
Daniel walked up to me « Why hello Max,can we talk in private please? » Daniel asked « Sure! » I replied


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