Why me? (Part 5)

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Your P.O.V.

I woke up tied up in a chair inside a white room,no windows...but a cage to a corner.
The cage was big enough for a human to go inside...
« Mmhghh... » I heard (bff/n) sai— (BFF/N) !?
« (bff/n), wake up! » I said trying to wake him/her up.
« Wh-what- Where are we?? » (bff/n) said « I don't know! We just,blacked out. » I said « We just blacked out aND GOt KIDNAPED » « HUSH you're too loud! » I whispered at him/her/them  « sorry...! » (bff/n) said.
We then heard the door from behind us open.
« How did my little pet slept last night? » I heard Max say while approaching me from behind.
« Let us go! » I yelled. He chuckled.
« No can do,you're staying here with me...for ever. » he said making a creepy smile.
« STAY AWAY FROM HER!! » (bff/n) yelled.
Max punched the back of his/her head(sorry if ur not confterble with your bff getting hurt).
« Ah!! » (bff/n) screamed in pain. « Please...let us go.. » I cried.
Max giggles « you're so funny! » he said. Daniel then came. « Now,now,Max,how did your pet slept? » Daniel asked « I think they slept good! » Max replied.
« Well then,I better take care of this one » Daniel said while staring at (bff/n).
Daniel dragged (bff/n) from his/her chair and got out of the room.
« Oh, he's just,you know...taking him/her where he/she could feel safe. »
« What do you mean by that?? » I asked « we're gonna brainwash him/her of course! Just like us! » he replied. I cried again...

'Why me...?'

Brainwashed!Max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now