The escape (part 4)

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It was finally night,and it's time for the escape...(John cena: are u sure about that?           idgit)

Your P.O.V.
I slightly woke up by someone shaking me « (y/n)...!(Y/N) wake up!! >:0 » I heard a voice say—
Oh. It was just (bff/n). « Mmhgh..why are you waking me up so late... » I asked « Did you forget? We're escaping this place remember?? » (bff/n) replied « oOh SHit um ok let's escape now! » I shout whispered at her.
I slowly open the zipper up of the tent so no one could hear. And (bff/n) and I also packed our things.
We got out of our tent and ran as fast as we could. (gOTTA GO FaSTTtt)

(lol -_-)
We heard something so we ran through the forest and hid behind a big bush.
« What was that ?? » I asked whispered her « idk ok! I'm pretty sure it was just an animal or something! » she whispered back « how would you know if it's an animal? » I whispered « fine, if you wanted me to peek,I'll go ok! » she whispered back.
She slowly moved her head to see if someone's here...but there wasn't.
She sighed in relief. « So? Did you saw someone? » I asked her « nope! Just the camp.. » she replied.
« Well,well,well,what do we have here ? »

Oh fuck.

Then we blacked out...

Little did you know,Daniel and Max heard you and your friend's conversation about 'escaping this camp'

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