Second kill (part 15)

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Max' POV

I went to find Britney.
I finally saw her looking at a small pink mirror and flipping her hair... ugh...
She's really weird.
Seeing her made me really mad for what she has done for (y/n). But I calmed myself down.
I went up to her and she put her mirror down.
« Oh, hey Maxy~! » she said said with a grin on her face.
« Hey, Britney. Do you mind going somewhere with me? It's a wonderful place where no one comes. » I said to her.
« Oh that's weird. *Gasp*, is it a surprise, for me~?! » she asked.
« Sure.. » I said while rolling my eyes.
She then took my hand...*sigh* great.
« Ok, lead the way then~! » she said while rubbing her (fucking) hand on my chest again.
We walked for a minute and then we arrived.
I lead her to the small cabin Daniel used to kill people.
« Here, wear this. » I said while taking out a blindfold and giving it to her.
« Ok! » she replied while putting it on.
I quickly went to grab my baseball bat at the corner of the small cabin and got behind her.
« Uh, what's taking so long? *sniff* Ew, smells like blood? » she shouted.
I then knocked her out.


Britney's POV
I painfully woke up inside a room with a disgusting smell of blood.
I was tied up in a chair...
But where's Max.
Max then got inside the room. He was holding something behind his back.
« Uhh, Max, th-this isn't funny! Can you tie me up? » I asked him.
He giggled creepily like a psycho.
« Sorry. No can do but, it's worth it. » he replied.
He than pulled out gasoline that was behind his back.
He got closer and was about to pour it on me.
« Ahhh!! » I screamed.
I was sobbing. « Why would y-ou do this t-to me..? I thought you loved m-me..! » I said through sobs.
He laughed.
« Why would I ever love some slut like you? (Y/n) told me everything, you'll regret for what you did to her. I shall do the same to you but with THIS. » he said while pulling out a fire stick. (Sorry i just don't know how it's called -_-)
« No please don't!! I promise I won't do it again!!! » I begged him.
It was too late. He throw it on me.
I screamed in pain.
He laughed like a crazy psycho.
« karma's a BITCH, isn't it BRITNEY? »

Max' POV

She stopped moving.
It's finally over!
Now... (y/n) will be juuuust fine...

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