Help! (Part 6)

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Your POV

Why me...?

That question was asked inside my head.

« Now, since Daniel's taking care of you're friend.... I might as well do the same to YOU... » Max said with a creepy smile. (Yes it is a Yandere Brainwashed Max. -_-)

« W- what do you mean? » I asked looking up at him. Was he gonna brainwash me?

« It's a surprised! » he said winking (and smiling) at me.

« Please forgive me for this... » he said.

I then blacked out...


I woke up in another white room with a bed, tv, books and other stuff.
I was tied on the bed that was the color purple. I was wearing a white dress and a black choker— wait. Did he undressed me??

« You awake, precious....? » I heard a familiar voice say.... it was Max.

« Get me out of here..! » I shout while struggling. « You're cute when you struggle and wearing your gift I gave! » he said while doing an 'Aww' face.

« Why would you undress me? You could've just wake me up and ask me to put it on! » I said to him.

« But if I do that, you could've try to escape here would you? » he asked me. I didn't say anything.

« Besides, I don't think you can escape me,

because you're mine....and only. » he said creepily smiling at me.

I wanna go home...

I cried silently. He wiped my tears away and untied me. I tried running away but he was too strong. He then cuddled with me and I fell asleep.

I need to somehow save (bff/n)....

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