Cute nicknames (Part 8)

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Your POV. (Just like always. Almost)

I woke up in the same room except I wasn't tied up on the bed.
Instead, I was wearing a collar and a leach?? ( bich wtf????)
« Good morning, cuddly-wuddly~! » I hear a voice say. I blushed because of the nickname he gave me.
I saw Max standing next to me holding a plate with two shaped heart pancakes with syrup on it and there was a glass of water/juice/whatever u drink on the side.
He gave me a kiss...

(On the cheek lol true kiss is coming soon)

« How did my little pumpkin sleep last night ? » he said ruffling my hair.
« ...umm..good? » I replied remembering what happened last night. (-, _ -,)

« That's good to hear! Enjoy your breakfast, » he said while handing the plate to me then walking towards the door.
« And, don't try to escape again,or else.... » he said sounding a little creepy...
« Welp,I better go do somethings! See you later,honey-bun~! » he said smiling at me then getting out of the room.
Oh my goi, what's with all these nicknames??


I finished eating my plate and I've been curious about what will happen if I tried escaping again.
A few minutes past and then Max walked in.
«hey, bun-bun~! Let's play a game! » he said smiling and coming up to me (I accidentally wrote 'cumming' XDDDD)
«What kind of game..? » I asked him. « Truth or dare! » he replied back.
He sat next to me and asked me « truth or dare? » he asked me.
I gulped. Should I say 'truth' or 'dare'??

« U-um... dare? » I replied.

« I dare you...



° kiss me~! » he said.


He winked at me and it made me blush. « Aww, you're so cute when you blush~! » he said squishing my cheeks.

« So? Are you gonna do the dare or not? » he asked me.

« ...fine.. » I said a little shy to kiss him. I slowly get closer to him and closer...

I felt warm hands on my cheeks and...

~chu~ !

We kissed (Fangirls: AAAAAaaaaaAAA)

« That was nice! » he said still holding my cheeks. I madly blushed of what happened.

(XD sorry, I know it's disgusting -_-)

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