Trying to be more than friends!? (Prt.3)

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Brainwashed! Max' P.O.V.
I followed Daniel to talk in private,
I wonder what he wants to talk about...

« Now,Max,did you felt weird? »Daniel asked «Weird? »I asked him « You heard me! I meant in love! »
« Well I guess but...I mean,I love you but not like this.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
When we where doing some activity's,(BFF/N) and I were talking inside our tent we shared. « Okay, everyone's seriously freaking me out. » (BFF/N) said « I know,should we like...I dunno escape?Call 911?? »I asked « That's it,we need to escape this place! » (BFF/N) said «,right now or...? » I asked « umm...okay maybe we should escape at night instead of right now because it's like..really sunny » (BFF/N) responded. I nodded in agreement. « Sooo...something weird happened today the messhall » I said « weird?? What happened? » (BFF/N) asked « well,there was this boy with dark black frizzy hair and turquoise colored eyes and... » « And what? » (BFF/N) asked « he was standing behind me,staring at me while blushing.....? »I responded « Oh my gosh! He has a C.R.U.S.H. on yyouuuu~! » (BFF/N) said while laughing like an idiot « sh-shut up »I said while blushing « I bet he wants to be more than friieeeeeeeeeeends ~! » (BFF/N) said while doing the lenny face (lol)

'More than friends?'                                    'wtf??'


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