Happy Halloween (Part 19)

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Your POV

I slowly woke up on the couch but Max wasn't there.
My tummy growled.
Then Max came up with pancakes and bacon with juice/milk/water/etc.
I started to eat.
« So, what are we gonna be for today? » I asked him.
« Well, I was thinking that we could be Chucky and Tiffany from that horror doll movie. » he responded with a slight blush on his cheeks.
I guess it's pretty cool.
I finished eating, brushed my hair and teeth and Max and I cuddled for a minute.
« Max, (y/n), it's getting pretty dark outside. It's now time for you two to dress up! » Daniel said behind the closed door.
« On it! » Max responded.
He got off of the couch and went to the closet to get our costumes.
« Here, you can put this on! » he said.
He handed me a white dress that could slightly show my boob crack with a short black jacket.
He also gave me a blond hair spray cause I wasn't blond. (If you are then you don't need it)
Max and I changed in different rooms. When we finished, I see Max with the Chucky outfit and stuff.
We then went outside.
All the campers was dressed as well.
« Oh, I see you're already dressed. » Daniel said.
« I present you my partner, Jen. She will help you two with your makeup for today! » he said while pulling up a blond ponytailed woman that also looked like a cultist. Jeez...
She helped us with the makeup and hair spray.
Mine was finished and I decided to look in the mirror.

Mine was finished and I decided to look in the mirror

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....not bad..
Max was also finished.
He had the red scars on his face, the red hair and looked pretty scary.
I could see him blushing and I think that I was too.
Then all the campers went to do activities and they also went trick or treating.
Max and I also decided to go.
« Wait..but. What if they find out that you actually were a cultist? » I asked him.
« Don't worry! I have makeup on and hair spray so it's gonna be fine! »he responded with red cheeks.
I nodded and we continue on walking to find houses.
We finally found some and they gave us candy.


After a few houses, we went to go to that small house with a group of guys inside.
We knocked and a some guy in a dirty grey hoodie answered the door.
« ..oh yeah, I do have candy, hold on. » he said while reaching something in his pocket.
« Here take it. » he said while giving me a chocolate bar.
He the slammed the door shut.
We went back to camp and checked our candies for if there was some needles or something in it.
All of mine was all good but it was now time for me to check the chocolate bar.
It was glued.. strange.
I opened it and cut it in half to see the insides.
There was needles inside!
« M-max..? There's.. needles inside. » I said while showing him the needles.
He then started to crack neck and looked pissed.
« Don't worry. Stay here, I'll go talk to him. » he responded while getting up and went somewhere else.

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