Pocky kiss (Part 18)

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Your POV

My face was hot after the making out thing with Max...
« You want some snacks? » Max asked me.
« Sure. » I replied.
He then went up to get some snacks. After a couple of seconds he came back with some sort of chocolate box in his hand that was called..'Pocky'.
« Let's share with these. » he said while opening it.
He placed one of the chocolate sticks in his mouth and moved his head towards me.
« Aren't you gonna put it in your mouth? » he asked me.
My face felt even hotter.
I slowly moved towards and placed the other tip in my mouth.
We moved towards and closer.
We kissed again.
Then we pulled out and start to crunch the chocolate.
We finished crunching and continue to watch the movie.
I then suddenly started to lay my head on his shoulder.
After 10 seconds he started to give kisses on my face and neck.
I guess I kinda liked it.
« So... you know what tomorrow is? » Max asked me.
« ..no..? » I replied.
« Tomorrow's Halloween! » he said.
Oh right... it was October..
But what costume am I gonna be?

(I know it's not Halloween ok but I don't care -_-)

Brainwashed!Max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now