All That We Are Is Revealed

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I drive to my father's house that afternoon to tell him and Daphne about the engagement. Simon wanted to come along, but I said no (my father will be less likely to die of a heart attack if I tell him alone). The whole way there, I silently pray to whatever gods may be that he won't go postal on me. I mean, I think he made peace with the fact that I'm dating the heir of our once sworn enemy, but... I think he was secretly hoping I'd find a nice girl and pop out a few Pitch heirs for him (not going to happen)(I once tried explaining to him that the distaste he feels at the thought of sleeping with another man is equivalent to what I feel when thinking about sleeping with a girl, but I don't think he understood).

Vera answers the door when I knock, a smile quirking up the corner of her wrinkled mouth.

"Welcome home, Master Pitch. We weren't expecting you," she greets me. I smile at her, undoing my coat.

"Hello, Vera. Do you know where my father is? I've some news."

"With Daphne in the kitchen, sir." I don't miss the spark of curiosity in those watery brown eyes.

I make my way into the kitchen, tucking my hands into my pockets. They're slick with sweat (my hands, that is, not my pockets), and my stomach cramps with nerves. But I school my face into a familiar mask of undeterred boredom as I walk calmly into the brightly lit space.

Daphne stands at the sink, washing a plate. The children are scattered about the floor, playing with toys and drawing. My father sits at the low wooden table, wizened hands clutching a cup of coffee (his hands have been looking so old lately... age is something I never thought would touch my father). Everyone looks up as I enter, and Mordelia's face splits into a shit-eating grin, like she's already figured out why I'm here.

"Baz, we weren't expecting you," Says Daphne, stepping forwards to embrace me. I let her. It's warm and soft and she smells like chocolate. My father says nothing, just studies me with one eyebrow quirked. I pull away from my stepmother, looking at them all. A sea of dark hair and Billie Piper mouths; my father, with his slick grey hair and sharp features, looking like an adder amongst them.

"I... I have news," I begin (damn the quaver in my voice), "Simon and I--" Before I can finish, Mordelia gasps, covering her mouth with her hands, looking truly horrified (only I know she's bluffing).

"Aleister Crowley!" She exclaims, "Did you break up?" Daphne shushes her, and I shoot her a long, cool glare. She sticks out her little pink tongue at me, but shuts up.

"Do go on, Basil," Daphne prompts, her hand clamped tightly onto her troublemaking daughter's shoulder. I resist the urge to smirk at my stepsister. Instead, I turn to my father, deciding that whatever happens, I won't break eye contact with him.

"Simon and I are getting married."

We decided not to tell my family right after I was kidnapped. Si and I both wanted to give ourselves time to breathe-- to heal. So we decided (much to Bunce's behest) to keep it a secret, until my arm was better. Well, it's better now, and the cat is officially out of the bag.

For a few milliseconds, the room is eerily silent. I watch the gears in their heads turn and churn as my words sink in, and then--

Mordelia snorts and mutters,


Daphne throws her arms around me, a grin cracking across her face. I don't look away from my father, trying desperately to judge his reaction.

He doesn't look surprised. But he doesn't look angry, either, which I suppose is a good thing. Mostly, he looks like he's thinking about it. And then, finally, a gleam of approval in his dark eyes. And the barest hint of a smile.

Standing up, he puts a surprisingly gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Congratulations, Basilton. You've made a good choice."

And with those words, I wouldn't care if the world exploded around us. Because my father isn't angry. Because my father approves. And I was afraid, for a long time, that by marrying Simon Snow, I'd be losing my family.



Hey guys, sorry for the kinda crappy chapter; I have TERRIBLE writer's block. I'll try and write more this coming week than I did this week, I promise.


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