All That We Are Is Tranquil

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Later that night (well, early the next morning), I lie in a semi-awake stupour, staring up at the moon-stippled ceiling. Simon fell asleep in my arms a quarter of an hour ago, his skin warm and soft against mine. His hair and his ring glint in the silvery light filtering in through the window. I'm smoothing his hair away from his forehead absentmindedly as I hold him, my eyes at half-mast and the world a lovely, tranquil blur.

Simon whimpers in his sleep (I suppose nightmares don't pause for wedding nights). So I hold him. I pull him close against my chest, cradling him more tightly in my arms and murmuring,

"Shh... you're okay, love. I've got you. I've got you."

The golden face relaxes a little. And I find myself staring at him like I have done countless times before, feeling the familiar, fluttery pull in the pit of my stomach, the flush in my bloodless cheeks. The Chosen One-- my Chosen One; my ex-supervillain; my hero; my husband. He is the most ineffably beautiful being on this Earth. In this universe, maybe.

I'm still just as stupidly, head-over-heels in love with him as I was when we were eleven years old.

"You awake, Baz?" He whispers, sleep-swollen pink lips barely moving. I nod, nuzzling into his hair.

"Yeah." He tightens his grip on me, legs intertwining with mine. I kiss the top of his head.

"What are you thinking?" He asks, words quieter than a breath of wind.

So I tell him. Dipping my head down so my lips just barely brush against the soft shell of his ear, I tell him.

"I'm thinking I love you, Simon Grimm-Pitch... and I'll carry on loving you for as long as we both shall live-- and beyond."

The End.


To my beautiful, amazing readers,

I want you all to know that words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you. These last two fics have become so much more popular than I ever imagined them being; I've gained somewhere around 20 followers through them, and every week I see someone new adding them onto their reading lists. I smile every time I open my notifications. At your votes. At your kind, funny comments. So I just want to say thank you so, so much. You really are the best readers any writer could ask for.

I hope you've enjoyed this fic! It's gonna be so weird when I'm done with the last one... these have definitely been my favorite Snowbaz stories I've written so far. It feels really sad and surreal to be done with this one, but I'm also really happy with how it's turned out.

As promised, the next couple of chapters will include...

The wedding playlist!

The winner of the name-guessing contest

And news about the VERY. LAST. FIC.

The last fic is going to be short and fluffy, and will take place 10-15 years in the F U T U R E. I'm still working out plot details, but I'm thinking it'll be a lot of domestic bliss for the boys and their kids (yesssss kids!), with a less intense (maybe ;) ) plot line. Comment or message me if you have anything you're dying to see the boys do!

Thank you again for being literally the perfect audience and for all of your support. You guys really are completely and utterly amazing.

With love,

- Lefty :)

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