All That We Are Is Nervous

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It's 1:30 AM, the night before the wedding. I'm alone in my flat (Simon's staying at Bunce's tonight), placing the finishing touches on the gift I'm going to give Simon tomorrow, when he calls me. I can't help but smile as I answer the call.

"Hello, Simon," I say into the receiver. "What's going on?"

"Baz... I've got a confession to make," he says anxiously. My brow furrows and worry curdles in the pit of my stomach. This can't be good.

"Yes?" I ask carefully, unsure as to where in the world this conversation is going.

"I'm... nervous." His voice is barely a whisper. For a moment, I imagine him sitting beside me on the sofa, those big blue eyes staring into mine. Then I remind myself he's not here, not tonight. Bad luck, and all that.

"Do you... not want to get married?" I ask, starting to feel nervous myself. To my relief, I hear Simon shake his head as he quickly answers,

"No, of course I want to marry you. I'm just... nervous about the wedding. You know I'm not good with that many people." Even though it's a very modest wedding, I know Si hates crowds, no matter the size. It's funny, he's friends with everyone and everything he meets, but doesn't like crowds.

Suddenly, it's like someone's switched a lightbulb on in my brain as an idea dawns on me. A slow smile spreads across my lips.

"I have an idea. Get ready for the wedding tomorrow, but make sure to do it with enough time to spare that you can meet me at the back of the marquee an hour or so before the wedding. All right?"

I can hear my ridiculous, perfect fiancé grinning as he replies,

"All right. I love you, Baz."

"I love you, too, Si. See you tomorrow."

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