Last Fic News

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Hello again, everyone! So after some late-night plotting, I've come up with a general idea of what the last fic is going to be about. I'm not going to wait as long to publish this one, because school starts again for me in September AND I have to be done with making the next issue of my magazine (link in bio) by mid-november, so I'd like to be at least close to done by then so I don't have to go on hiatus. Therefore, I'm gonna try and publish it by August 1st.

For now, here's the general information about the last fic.

Title: All That We Are Is Who We Must Be

Summary: Baz and Simon have been married for ten years. It's been ten years since Baz was kidnapped by the Enenra, ten years since they fought a giant, wyrm-like beast while saying their wedding vows. For ten years, they've enjoyed domestic bliss. They bought a house in Cheltenham, adopted two kids, got jobs. They don't worry about what will attack them next, they worry about their oldest daughter's first year in school. And now it's Halloween-- probably the first one their five-year-old girl will be able to actually remember-- and they're going over to the Bunce's to celebrate. Enjoy the fairytale ending for the fairytale couple-- the ending we all know they deserve.


As with the first fic, I'll post one last chapter on here with the link once I've published it

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As with the first fic, I'll post one last chapter on here with the link once I've published it.

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