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~~ Linnéa Yari Brown ~~
Sunday 4th October 2015
New York, USA.

"Bryson come on you're finna make me late" I say to him.

"Look sista'. Mi tryin'" He says.

"Boy did you just take a tone with me? Narvana did you hear your brother? That's it Bryson you're staying at home" I say. I've had it up to here with his attitude recently. Narvana doesn't say a single word as she watches.

"THATS NOT FAIR!" He yells as he stomps his feet.

"Better keep those damn feet on the ground befo' I tear em off. Go sit in your room and if Neve hears a single toy peep you can go sit outside" he stops stomping but that doesn't stop him from shouting.

"You promised you'd let me go to the game"

"And you promised you'd behave but if you wanna catch a damn attitude then you gotta suffer the consequences Ajani"

"I. HATE. YOU. YOU'RE SO MEAN" he says running off upstairs in tears. I wipe my forehead.

"You know he doesn't mean that"

"Sure does feel like it. I don't know what to do with him anymore. I'm going to work" I say with a sigh before walking out. As I'm walking to my car, I hear a voice that shakes me.

"Linnéa" He says from behind me.

"Why the fuck are you outside my house?" I ask irritated enough already.

"I really just wanna talk to you"

"The last time I saw you, you referred to me as a bitch so I don't think I have anything to say to you" I cross my arms.

"I'm sorry I said that. It was out of frustration"

"Well DeAndre you need to learn to keep your emotions in check like a grown up"

"I can't Linnéa. I'm in love with you and I've lost my way without you"

"You lost your way when you were with me. I can't help you find that shit"

"I need you in my life"

"It's not my job to solve your financial problems DeAndre. If that's what you want help with please leave"

"That's not why I love you baby-"

"Refer to me out of my name again and I swear to god I will flip you"

"You loved it when I called you that"

"In no way did I ever find it endearing when you called me baby. I found it perverted and it actually creeped me out when you said that"

"Odell got you acting brand new huh? His dick game can't be better than mine"

"See what I do with my man is none of your business" and in that moment, I realise that mine and Odell's connection is deeper than just sex. We've been talking for a long while and the idea of sex hasn't even came up.

"You better not be doing to him what you did to me"

"I did nothing to you in comparison to what I do to him. Cannot be compared"

"You lying" He says.

"Why you think Odell got so mad? DeAndre I'm over you and I've moved onto better things. I would say do the same but you lost the best thing you ever had"

"Linnéa I know you were the best and I wanna show you that"

"I don't need you to show me that DeAndre. I got it covered" I say opening the car door. I get in and as I go to shut it, he grabs it.

"Linnéa let me fucking talk to you"

"If you don't let go in the next five seconds I will scream. Five, four, three, two" He let's go and the door slams shut. I drive off and stop a little while after to text my dad and Narvana about what happened.

I drive over to the stadium and of course I'm late. The boys are already doing warmups.

"Are you okay?" Coach asks.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm gonna go do my job" I say walking by him. When I get to Victor he immediately stands up.

"Linnéa?" He says.

"What?" I say.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You're literally sweating like mad. And you don't sweat" he says.

"I don't know I don't feel well" he sits me down.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Bryson was throwing a tantrum and DeAndre stopped outside my house and I just don't feel well"

"Linnéa calm down" Victor says.

"I am calm" I say. He nods his head but I can't even focus on what he's looking at. Odell comes over.

"What's wrong Linnéa?" He asks.

"Bryson threw a tantrum and some Andre guy stopped by her house" Victor says.

"DeAndre?" Odell says. I nod my head. "What he say?"

"I- I don't know" I stutter. He squats down in front of me.

"Linnéa look at me" He says. "Focus on me" He says again. I try make eye contact with him but it's just hazy. He places his hand in mine and slowly but surely, I can see him clearly.

"Okay?" He says.

"Okay. Where are my injured brothers?" I say getting up.

"Linnéa?" Victor asks.

"Yall bugging man. I gotta do my job you know? Where's Orleans and Owa? Lemme go find them" I say getting up. They're my probables for today whilst my other injured are out or most likely won't play.

I find my guys and give them a quick warm up.

"Yall ready?"

"If I gotta jump in, I'm in there. Believe that" Orleans says.

"I hear you. Now go make me proud"

"That's sis" Owa says.


We won again and of course I'm proud of my boys. Even Victor who sat on the sidelines because I know that had to be hard for him. I wait in my car for Odell. I'm going round his before I go home because I don't think I can face Bryson.

He opens the drivers door and gets in. I don't want to drive which is why I'm in the passenger seat. He never drives to games either.

"Linnéa what was that?" He asks a couple minutes into the drive.


"Bear you had me so damn worried. You and Victor ain't even tight like that and he was shook as well"


"Don't try and tell me it was nothing. You were sweating like mad and you couldn't see me. Please Linnéa-"

"Okay fine I couldn't see you. I don't know what happened. Bryson threw a tantrum and told me he hated me. Then I'm walking to my car and DeAndre is spewing how much he loves me and how much he wants me back and that you're nothing in comparison to him. And then I'm at work and yall are worried"

"So you don't remember getting to work?"

"No I really don't. I don't remember anything until after whatever that was"

"Baby it sounds like you had a panic attack"

"No no. I don't do panic attacks"

"I didn't do panic attacks until 8th grade"

"I don't wanna talk about it today please? Can we just go home and cuddle before I go home to my terroristic brother?"

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