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~~ Linnéa Yari Brown ~~
Monday 21st December 2015
New York, USA.

"Odell?" I say walking into his living room. He's cuddled up with Tzar and Black Jack.

"Yea baybeh?"

"Can we talk?" I say sitting on the couch beside him. Mowgli jumps up, putting his head in my lap.

"Wassup?" He says.

"I wanna know what was up with you yesterday"

"We gotta talk about it?" He says, being rather reluctant to talk about it and I assume it's because this wound is still fresh.

"What's going on Odell?"

Nigga wanted ta taunt me an' shit ova' something I ain't. He was waving black bats at me including thea' officials an' that shit won't cool ma. I ain't mean ta take it that far. It's football I thought I could rough him up a bit but I was pissed." His accent is thick telling me that he's still pissed.

"Your temper had gotten a lot better"

"But I juss lost it ma. It wunt in my intentions to do any of that" He says.

"Were you just upset about the game?" I ask softly.

"I guess so"

"Odell. You can talk to me"

"I've just been mad recently baybeh it's okay"

"You know a build up of anger for you can-"

"Lead to an anxiety attack I know Linnéa"


"It's nothing"

"It's me isn't it?" I say softly. He looks away from me before looking back at me.

"Why haven't you talked about your seizures?"

"What can I say about them? Yall know more about them than me. I can't even remember what happens before I have one let alone during one"

"You don't?"

"What I know about before is from what others have told me"

"You know how scary it is to watch?"


"When's your next doctors appointment?"

"January the 7th I think. You coming?"

"Yeah of course. But why's it so far away?"

"Because I'm going to Jamaica. It was tomorrow but I just wanna go home"

"Aww you miss your dad?"

"Of course"

"You can call me daddy thou" he says before kissing my lips.

"But you're not my dad"

"Clearly thought I was before" he says making me kiss my teeth.

"Daddy and dad are different"

"Definitely not your dad" he goes to kiss me but I smush his face away

"Definitely not daddy either"

"Whatever mayne. But uhh Victor?"

"He's picking me up to go to the airport. You don't have to"

"No no... not that. The other thing" I sigh internally.

"It's not something we talk about Odell. It's complicated"

"Uncomplicate it"

"It's not that simple really Dellie. There's a lot of factors for why we are the way we are. But he is my brother. "

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