Introduction and Character Sketch

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Hello to you all.

A very Warm Welcome to The Desperate Kingdom of Love❤❤

I hope you enjoy Investing your Precious time into the Fictional Tales off my Head.😊😊😇❤


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I have not Proofread/edited my work Before Posting up the Chapters.The Chapters that you will read are the FIRST draft and I posted it Up without proofreading/editing, as that is going to push me back on time and delay the update which will hinder the speed of the updates coming up in the story. I apologise for the Inconvenience on the same,as I really am pushed for fending time for editing( as of now) however Writing is something I am very passionate about and I pen down my thoughts and plots because writing is a free form of expression/catharsis for me.. I do not claim to Present to You a Picture Perfect Grammatically/ Proofread Edited work.Please definetly ignore editing/common repition of words/ typo errors etc – while you Read.( as of NOW...I will be getting around to doing the Editing/Proofreading Soon)

Thank you so very much everyone and I shall now let you dive in without further Delay❤


The Desperate Kingdom Of..Love.❤❤

Character Sketch:

The Raizada's

Arnav Singh Raizada – 28 years Old. A successful businessman- Founder of AR Industries – his flagship launch being AR Designs...and as Success bore to new Heights...he ventured into new segments and become one of the most successful names in the country. He is ruthless and arrogant for the world...because of the dark past that changed everything Ten years ago.

He loves his family.He has a elder sister Anjali...and a younger sister the two his Life resides....he lives in the hope that his mother would wake up one day from the tortourous sleep of Coma- which she had slipped into ten years ago.

He hates with intensity and there is only one motive he has in his life right now – Destruction of Asad Ahemed Khan and his family – the past that that happened 10 years ago had given birth to a enimity and rivalry which had its roots dug in very deep.

Zoya Singh Raizada – A bubbly charming and a lovely...full of Life girl, 23 years of age...She was now living in London or rather been sent there for her studies as she had turned her family.

She loved her family to bits....she missed her father...whose tragic death ten years ago...had changed everything in their her mother had slipped into Coma. She loved her elder sister Anjali – who was more like a mother to a growing up her...and she looked upto and loved her elder brother Arnav to bits. She was so proud of him...because it was because of his struggle and hardwork..and his sacrifices for the family – that the rest were in a happy place today. She could do anything and everything for him.

Rest of the Raizada characters are pretty much the same...Anjali Raizada is happily married to Shyam ..but she lives in Shantivan.

Akash, payal, Mami and Nani characters are pretty much the same.

Kkusum Raizada – Arnav. Anjali and Zoya's mother...who has been lying in Coma since ten years...and is also the sole witness to the tragedy that took place ten years ago that destroyed the friendship and happiness of the two families – Khan and Raizada.


The Khans-

Asad Ahemed Khan – 28 Years old.A successful businessman...Founder of the Khan Industries – his flagship launch being Khan constructions...but as he gained success ..he ventured into new segments...and is one of the most successful names in the country.The other reason why he is so aggressive in his line of business is because he always makes sure that he isnt a step behind and at par with his arch rival- Arnav Singh Raizada. He is arrogant and ruthless and very tradional man with strong beleifs in his culture. But he loves his family to bits...his mother Dilshaad is his weakness along with his younger sister Khushi. Not a day passes when the tragedy of the past doesn't come to haunt him...of the day ten years ago when everything changed and he lost his father and the youngest sister Najma.He hates with Intensity so deep that his sole purpose is to take revenge for what happened to his family all those years ago..and he will only sit in peace once he has destroyed everything Arnav Singh Raizada has ever had and everthing that he has dreamed off.

Khushi Ahemed Khan – A very happy go lucky, lovely and a bubbly girl, 22 years of age.Her family is her strength and weakness.She loves her mother Dilshaad to bits and looks upto her brother Asad as a father....and she knows that her brother had shielded them of pain and beared the dark times all alone.She was proud of him and she had never ever refused to a thing he has said.She was sent to London to study as she was 18..and has been there since...but she visits home every holidays.

Rest of The Khan family includes Dilshaad and a few more relatives that shall be introduced as the story progresses.


They say...Love conquers all, but will Love ever blossom in the hearts which have been cast under a spell of hatred and revenge....and even if it Does....will Love be strong enough to live past the web of hatred, revenge , lies and the boundaries of religion...Will Love finally be able to write the Destiny..which was always meant to be??

What will happen...when the four hearts will come face to face in the Desperate Kingdom of Love??

Will Love Finally be able to Conquer it All?


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