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Chapter 47 – Giving In

I am pretty much sure that we all have been in a situation in our lives that has led to a strong conflict in between our minds and hearts because mostly these two organs end up being on the opposite side, giving us a lot of inner frustration and conflict to deal with.

What do we do??

Do we listen to the mind which convinces us with clean logic??

Or do we listen to the heart which clean bowls us with raw emotion??

There are times, when we give in to the mind, and there are times we give in to our hearts, and then there are those times that lie in between the sphere, when somehow because of some unknown blessing - our minds and hearts operate in sync and believe me if you have been able to maintain that balance in the middle, consider yourself extremely blessed and lucky, and appreciate the blessing that has been bestowed upon you.

And sometimes, you got to trust your Instincts- that Sometimes, it's right to revolt against the Heart. And sometimes, it just isn't.

You must accept, when the time comes, that sometimes, it really isn't about going on and on with a conflict, because those are also the times, when it really is all about Giving In.


3 AM

Zoya woke up to freshen up, and then she made her way back to her bed and she lied down again and closed her eyes, and Asad's face came revolving back in front of her eyes, and everything that had happened earlier in the day came back to haunt her, as his words off pure emotion came back to her head –

""one slap isn't enough Zoya, you should have slapped me when I asked you to sign those annulment papers, you should have slapped me when I let you leave, you should have slapped me when I fell for the façade you put up, you should have slapped me when I couldn't see behind the mask you put in front of me, slap me Zoya, for letting you down, for letting our love down..."

" I have no clue in how many ways have I let you down Zoya, but I must have surely, for I could make you feel no comfort at all, for your mind won and let you belittle our love in the worst possible couldn't trust me maybe because I didn't make you feel you could, I shouldn't have let you leave, I should have seen long ago that this wasn't about forgiveness, you forgave me long ago didn't you for the annulment and everything else I right Zoya??"

"I did before, and it was the biggest blunder of my life, even a bigger blunder than the annulment, but I will never let you go again..."

" shhh, youv spoken enough, and now I need you to listen to me, I told you even before you left, that you wont be able to get rid off anything, off the marks of love and pain, you wont be able to let go, just like I haven't been able too, all I need is you Zoya, all I ever needed was you, and all you need is's a simple truth, the sooner you accept it the better...."

"I love you Zoya, our destiny lies together, our lives joint with each other, and even though you ran away miles apart, I am sure, you found the shadows and marks of the love that used to be..because I did too..honestly you might think im crazy but to tell you the truth, this distance only heightened what I felt for you, because I realized how much I need you in my life, and only you..and iv held you close to myself in m y heart Zoya, I have never let you go..and just when look at you today, and just seeing you in front of me today is like a blast of fresh air that I very much needed to breathe, and im even more sure that even though you changed our paths, you couldn't really change our destination which was meant to be, you cant blame me Zoya, for seeing you , feeling you in my being wherever I went, the shadow of the marks you left with me off your love run so deep that I couldn't really run away, and I never wanted too, you have no idea Zoya how I have been suffering without you, every minute, every second, every hour , a little bit more every day, the hollow ache in my heart would never go away even for a second, and its funny though, one look at you today, has finally got my heartbeats to start beating sanely...."

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