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Chapter 36 - The Thoughts That Cross My Heart

Very Often

Im sure we all wonder

At Some Point in Our Lives

If this tiny little fist shaped organ

Whose Core Job is to Pump Blood into our body

Has a Mind of Its Own

For The Heart Can Feel

It's the Emperor of Our emotions

And the Heart Surely Can Think

For how else can we explain the thoughts, it often slamdunks into our Brains

How else could there be an explaination for those, Thoughts that Cross Our Hearts??

And only the Heart knows Where,

And in which corner of its Chambers, is That mastermind, that operates the software that rules our beings

And only the Heart knows Why, this Mastermind has the Power that it has, that power that makes us mere puppets in its hands

And only the Heart Knows How, does it Mangae to work overtime, for probably every second of our Lives,

Pumping Blood and Igniting emotions

And Processing and Controlling those Million Thoughts

Those Zillion Thoughts That Cross Our Hearts.


The Hospital - Zoya's Suite

Zoya heard the Nurse say - " ill be right outside on my station, just ring the bell if you need anything...."

Zoya nodded,and she watched her leave, and she shut the room to her door.

Asad looked at Zoya, they were finally alone, not for long he knew, because Anjali di would call him soon to get Zoya, to her mother's suite which was on this floor,and he knew this was what Zoya wanted and probably needed too, right now, in this moment, to be with her mother.

He noticed her wiping a tear out of her eye, as she looked away from him , breaking the eye lock, the intensity of the moment was driving him insane, for now that he was finally alone with her, he didn't know how to find the right words to say to her, even though a zillion thoughts were crossing his heart in that one moment.

He saw her wipe another tear of her other eye, as she stared at her hands, looking down at them,and he knew it, for he could sense the pain and the agony that was giving rise to those tears.

Some thoughts told him, to bury himself in her arms, and never let go, and shelter himself back in the shadow of her Love

Some thoughts told him, not to worry about how they had broken each others hearts, and just love her insane,just like he did,before he had let the darkness over take him.

Some thoughts told him to just listen to his emotions, and go back to the dream of a life,they had built.

But at the same time,

Some thoughts told him, that something was different about her silence right now

Some thoughts told him, that he desperately needed to know what was on her mind.

Some thoughts told him,that reality had struck and those dreams had been broken

That he was the one who had burned all bridges

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