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Chapter 35 - The Aftermath

Newton's very famous Law states that to every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction.

In Life, in situations, and in circumstances,

This reaction can be termed as the Aftermath.

For the Aftermath is the Consequence, of the Events of our Lives.

And there always is some Aftermath,

It may be good or bad,

It may make us Happy or Sad

We May like it or Not

But It will Happen

For we cannot stay Frozen in a situation forever

Even though it may seem like a Standstill

You really cant Stand Still for long

For Somewhere,Life is still moving on

For Somewhere, in Time, the Clock is always ticking.


At The Hospital

Two Hours Later

Dr Arvind stepped out of the ICU, and he walked a little ahead,and he stood in front of the solemn faces of the people he had known for the longest time now.

He looked at the worried faces of Anjali, her husband Shyam,Akash and Payal, and then he looked at the broken and distressed face of Asad Ahemed Khan and the totally dazed and Lost Arnav,but he took a deep breathe,because he had to talk,and he had to inform them about both his patients, Khushi and Zoya.

He was a doctor, it was a part of his job, he had been doing so for decades now, yet everytime, he came face to face with a worried family, it overwhelmed him completely ,for the way they all looked at him as if he were their last hope, and how they looked at him with those hopeful eyes, that he would have some good news, to give them,really moved and overwhelmed him.And so, even after all these years a deep breathe was what he needed to take every time he had to address a family.

And this case was also different because he had known these people for so so long now,Zoya especially, he had seen her since she was so little, and overtime she was Inida, she would always make a point to come see him at the hospital,and it pained him greatly to see the delicate situation she was in.And he was also greatly worried about Khushi himself.

He finally walked upto them as he said - " ok, so first, some good news,Zoya is recovering from the GA and her vitals are stable, but she started getting severe chills and shivers,a common outcome of a general anaesthesia, but me and my team decided that it would be better if she slept through for a while, yes she was concious, she was awake for a few minutes, i asked her a few general questions,and she was able to answer them, she also told me that the accident happened as she jumped the signal to take the turn into the hospital for she was in a rush to get here,and then she started getting the chills again so we'v put her back to sleep for while, she will be up in a couple of hours, and i will see her first and then probably we can see how to take it from there after my physiotherapist and the doctor have analysed the situation with the nerve damage which is a cause of concern right now to me,for i cannot say anything about that situation for now, and its already 10.00 pm though, but iv asked my neurologist to stay longer, because i do wish for Zoya to be examined today itself...but if she's sleeping ill let her through the night, for nothing better for the recovery than a good nights sleep,so thats about Zoya...and..." , he paused, taking another deep breathe.

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