Chapter 28 - Falling Apart

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Anjali walked in her brother's room,as she watched him put on his coat and she closed the door to his room as she said - " iv got Zoya's things packed, ill be sending it to her..."

Arnav nodded - " yes, do that di...she would be needing them..."

Anjali - " yeah, she did leave empty handed...", her heart wasn't able to take this mess.

Arnav - " im sure, she has all that she needs anyway, im leaving now, i have a meeting..."

Anjali held her brothers hand as she said - " not before you tell me what happened with Khushi, that look on your face says it wasn't good, but i want to know from you..."

Arnav sighed, he knew his sister wasn't going to give up until he spilled it all out and so he sat on his bed,and she sat next to him and he started telling her everything that happened,every word of what was said between him and her and when he finished , he finally sighed as he said - " maybe its for the best di, we are just going to hurt each other with the things we do, your definition of Love is so over-rated Di,because all i have been feeling ever since I fell into its trap, is misery..."

Anjali asked - " tell me honestly, were you never happy??"

Arnav said curtly - " yeah whatever, maybe I was for a fraction of a time in my Life, and what after??? it felt good for a while it lasted, and now what, its freaking just another way to bleed,and it hurts,and it really hurts a lot, just like being hit by a car would, and if you consider what im feeling right now, id prefer being hit by a car..."

Anjali sighed - " are you even listening to yourself??"

Arnav - " i sound what?? crazy??"

Anjali - "exactly, so now what, are you both going to go back to being strangers?? pretend the other doesn't exist?? you know deep down this isn't the way this is supposed to end, Chotte, seriously for once, from what you told me, i really think Khushi didn't know, that they were married,what if she really was telling you the truth?? and if she really didn't know, you do realise you committed a blunder by blaming her and not trusting her, you know if you find out the truth later on, maybe this time around, she wont ever forgive you Chotte..."

Arnav discarded the thought as he said - " how is it even possible di? she is his sister, and Zoya's best friend, and she herself told me everything, she's always been this cupid in between them even when the truth of Zoya being my sister came out, she never let them give up, how could she not know, im so sure, maybe this was her idea in the first place , she knows me well, she's seen my wrath, maybe she told her brother that the best way to get Zoya, would be like this....and i swear i would have forgiven her, if she gave me the truth , but i cannot live with all these lies anymore, I'm telling you di, its for the best...."

Anjali sighed , theres was no point in arguing with her brother right now, but she asked - " what about Zoya??"

Arnav shrugged - " what about her??"

Anjali looked at him shocked, as she asked - " everyone in the house is so freaking upset and you are shrugging this off as if its nothing, she is your sister, how can you just throw her out of your life...."

Arnav said, sure the hurt was evident in his voice - " i didn't throw her out, di, i asked her to leave so that she can be with her husband, thats what the law say doesn't it?? like you said, she made her choice, and she should have thought about the consequences,before she went behind our backs in the first place, and di its not just about the fact that she married Asad Ahemed Khan, its that and also that she took the biggest decision of her life in a zap, without thinking what we felt about it, without including us in it..."

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