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Chapter 40 - In Between the Lines

Words are tools that we use to express Ourselves.

Funny though, how we play with them often

Sometimes, we use them well, and say what we really mean

Sometimes, we twist them around in such a way, that we don't really mean what we say.

Sometimes we miss that hidden invisible meaning, that exists in between the lines.

And Sometimes we don't.

Probably thats a thing we all are meant to learn with time.

That the most important thing about communication in general is to be able to hear, what isn't being said.

To read, what isn't being written openly.

Its an art, in itself.

And one could say, that this art could be really useful in Life.

For Life, is totally all about those hidden meanings, that exist

Invisibly, In Between the Lines.


One Day Later


Barkat - 9.00 AM

Khushi finished getting ready, and she checked her whtsapp to see if Arnav had replied.He hadn't yet, probably he was getting ready right now, she almost felt guilty for keeping him up late with her constant chatter, but she couldn't really help it, because amongst all the secrecy to be maintained, the few hours at night, were all they had to themselves.

She checked the time, it was 9am, which meant that Zoya would still be sleeping, because India was 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Switzerland.It had been over a day since Zoya had left,they had see'd her off on Tuesday night.She was glad that Zoya had made it to Interlaken as planned, without any issues.She smiled at the thought of how her bhaijaan had been pacing around restlessly, until zoya had messaged her that she had landed in Zurich,and she had conveyed that information to her bhaijaan, and it was only then she saw a small smile on his face.Zoya was supposed to start treatment today and she really hoped that all went well.She quickly looked at her whtsapp to see the amazing pictures of the beautiful cottage Zoya was now living in.And the beautiful view, she had from her cottage,it made her smile, even while looking at the picture,she could only imagine the serenity Zoya must be feeling, probably it would serve as the best change Zoya needed for now.

Change.Ofcourse, she knew her brother needed it as well, thats why she had offered to start working with him as soon as possible, so that atlas some of his thoughts would be pre-occupied in training her with him.And also, that she was so bored of sitting at home now, she had to do something,so it really was the best to start working.Although her brother had protested, on the grounds that she should get some more rest, but good that she put her foot down this time around.

Right then her phone beeped.It was Arnav.

Arnav : goodmorning Khushi, are you ready already? I'm just about to go down for breakfast.

She quickly typed : Yes, i am, i don't want to be late on my first day of work.Sorry to keep you up late last night, you missed your run today didn't you?

Her phone beeped back quickly.

Arnav : yes i did, but thats ok.and i love to hear you talk,you do know i could hear you talk all night Khushi.

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