Chapter 6- And Somethings are Just Easier Said, Than Done

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Chapter 6 – And Somethings are Just Easier Said, Than Done.

Patience. How many times have we been told that patience is an important ingredient of our lives, that patience is indeed a virtue, that even though patience seems bitter, its fruit is sweet,and that there is no particular advantage if we hurry through our lives without patience.

Yet in that one moment, when the heart is impatient, it forgets every damm thing it has learnt about the importance of patience, and instead it chooses to beat with recklessness, driving us crazy, and we all will agree in that one moment, that it is indded true, that somethings are just easier said than done, and Patience as virtuous it maybe, definetly tops that list and we all wonder that why couldn't just anyone be sensible enough to also write about the truth, the fact that just sometimes, it isnt easy to just sit back and watch things happen, patiently.


Monday – London 11. AM

Arnav closed his laptop in front of him , and shut his eyes in frustration , because once again , as much as he tried, he couldn't get Khushi out of his mind, and the last week, the moments spent with her, and that pained look on her face before she left kept flashing through his mind, again and again , and he banged his fist on the table in frustration , because he couldn't get himself to act maturely here, and he knew he was behaving so recklessly , something that hadn't happened to him in a long long time.Ever since Khushi had left yesterday , he had tried to distract himself with work , and somewhere deep down he had even got the idea to follow her all the way to Manchester, because he couldn't wait for her to return to sort things out , but then something important had come up at work, so he couldn't act on his instinct and had to just stay back, and watch the clock ticking, patiently. And to add to his frustration , Khushi hadn't answered any of his calls, and instead just texted him saying that she had reached safely.

He picked up his phone and thought for a good five minutes if he should text her , but ultimately his impatience won and he texted –

"Khushi , I hope you are doing good."

His phone beeped in a second –

"Yes, I am.Thank you."

"Khushi, quit being all formal, I said..i didn't mean to say what I did, will you let me explain"

" No, Arnav, who am I that you should give any explanations too in the first place? I don't want any.I am just your little sister's young and naïve best friend, isnt it?"

"Damm it Khushi, stop it will you!And why didn't you take my call yesterday?"

" I was busy, with everyone"

"Ok, will you let me explain when you are back"

"I don't know..."

"what do u mean..."

"I don't know..."


" I am sorry, there is so much happening around, right now, can we talk later?"

" Ohk...Is that Aaditya around you , even right now?"

" Yes, and I don't feel the need to discuss him further.."

" What the hell Khushi?"

"Look , i ll talk to you later...Arnav.."


"And I Hope you are doing good.Take care Arnav"

Arnav stared at his phone screen and read that last message, she hoped he was doing good? And he dammed the fact that he wasn't ofcourse, because all he wanted was to see her, and make things right already, and ofcourse he couldn't bare the thoughts that were emerging in his head regarding that Aaditya. Two whole days were still left , until Khushi would be back , and he had no idea how to deal with the restlessness that he felt in that moment. He knew he had to be patient here, because that would be the only way he could keep a check on his mood, but he knew it wouldn't help, because he had never been more impatient in his life than he was at that point, and he knew surely that it wasn't something that was going to change anytime soon, atleast not until he saw Khushi in front of his eyes.

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