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Chapter 39 - Too Many Goodbye's


Strange isn't it??

Just a Simple Word, a Simple Expression

But it can be implied in so many different way's.

And come to think of it,as kids in school, we were taught this as a normal word, just like any other.

Why didn't anyone ever teach us about the true facts, and the hidden meaning,behind it??

Maybe, because we were meant to learn about it, in our journey of Life.

Yes, its a simple word to say, a very common way of expression

Yet it is a powerful tool of the Heart.

For the emotion that a goodbye can stirr,

is usually high on the intensity meter.

I strongly feel,that this particular expression can be categorised into different forms.

There are a few goodbye's that are bittersweet,

because you know that you are parting only for a short while, and will surely meet again.

Then there are a few goodbye's that are happy,because they are only said, as a gesture to just simply say - until we meet again.

For sometimes, parting is just unevitable, due to certain situations in our lives.

Then there are those goodbye's that happen,because they were destined to be.

In the sense, that in our Lives, sometimes people come in for a reason, or a particular season, and then thats it, they leave,because that was how it is supposed to be.We often meet people, become friends, spend good time together, and once the path in life changes, we all go our different ways.Happens, to all of us.

Thus, these goodbye's are destined goodbyes,that leave back most a memory that will either give you a tear in the eye, or a smile on your Lips.

And then there are those goodbye's, the most painful ones,the silent goodbye's

they happen quietly, with no words said, no explanations, the door shuts on our faces, just like that.

These goodbye's usually hurt the most.

These goodbye's will come back to haunt you in your dreams, probably till the end of time, will always make you wonder why it happened?

This kind of goodbye usually happens if a person in reference is fleeing a situation, or running a marathon against emotions,and it is surely the most painful solution to a problem in hand.

And honestly its not really the goodbye bit that hurts the most, it's the aftermath of rewind,pause,and play of memories that hurts the most.

But Despite being what it is,its a situation we have all been in, in our lives, sometimes in one of its form,and then the other time, in one of its other forms.

For we can't really escape a goodbye, no matter, how happy, bittersweet,destined, or painful it is meant to be.

Its true isn't it?

We all have faced that one moment in our lives when it really is all about - Too Many Goodbye's.


Ten Days Later


Barkat - 10.00 AM

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