Chapter 27 - Quit Playing Games With My Heart

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And just like every game, in the game of Love,some moves or rather all of them are like weapons, that can lead to some serious injury, but in the end, its all about who lives to fight and play another day.

However, some injuries can last for a long long time,so do you stand up to play and fight another day?? Or do you just quit playing at all??



Shantivan - 130 PM

Arnav sat with his family and they were interrogating Zoya one by one, and he almost felt bad because she had agreed to do this because he had asked her too, but he hadn't imagined the craze that had come over his entire family, specially mami, nani , di and payal, jiju and akash were equally as active the rest, it seemed he was the only one who was keeping calm here.

Right then the intercom rang next to him, and he quickly picked it up,and he asked the guard - " someone is here to see me?? i dont remember calling anyone, anyway who is it?"

Guard - " his name is Asad Ahemed Khan, should I let him in??"

The minute he heard the guard say that name, he felt shock go through his brain, was it really Asad?? Why was he here?? and what was he doing here?? the first thought that came to his mind was, did he find out about him and Khushi?? But he really couldn't believe it was Asad at his door, wanting to see him, and so he gestured his family to be quiet and everyone looked at him confused and he asked , he wanted to be sure - " Asad Ahemed Khan is here to see me??"

The Guard - " yes sir, should i let him in??"

Arnav saw shock on all his family member's face, and he thought he saw Zoya go as pale as a white sheet, and he said to the guard - " ok let him in..."

He put down the phone and he heard his jiju ask - " whose name did you just take?? im sure did it hear right?? Asad Ahemed Khan is here to see you??"

Arnav nodded - " yeah, and im confused, after all these years of silence, we never spoken ever since, and why does he want to see me? what does he want??"

Zoya felt as if the ground had been pulled from underneath her feet as she heard her brother.No way, this couldn't be happening, Asad couldn't be here.God Asad, no, no , no, she desperately hoped this wasn't about her,she desperately hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.Fear clutched her heart, and she saw her sister come next to her, and so did her brother as he took her a little aside and asked - " Zoya, have you spoken to Khushi?? does he know about us?? I mean me and Khushi??"

Zoya was zapped, she didn't know what to say , but she stammered - " no, no , bhai, i havent spoken to khushi, and theres no way he can possibly know..."

Anjali breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at her brother and asked - " what could be the reason then?? what does he want??"

Arnav looked back at his family members as he said - " i don't know, well just have to find that out from him..."


Asad stood out right in front of the main door of Shantivan, he was sure everyone inside would be in a state of shock,as the guard had informed them that he was here.Ofcourse, he hadn't ever dreamt, that in all his life, he would be standing at the door of Shantivan ever again, but he had come, and all for his love.He reminded himself that, and finally opened the door, and stepped in.This place, this house, had a zillion memories , and he felt various flashbacks come to his mind, as he walked in further, but this wasn't the time to bask in the good memories of the past, this was about the present and how he was going to take his wife with him, no matter what.

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