Chapter 22 - Go The Distance

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Chapter 22 - Go the Distance

Two Days Later


Wednesday - 9.00 AM

Zoya looked at her watch,as she got ready.She took a deep breath, today was the day.Her wedding Day.She was going to become, Asad Ahemed Khan's legally wedded wife.She looked at her reflection in the mirror,she had never thought that she would be getting married like this, all secretively. No ceremonies,no family banter.But she knew it was indeed the only way out.

Right then her phone beeped - It was Asad.

She opened the text message -

"Zoya, excited much? I am, I couldn't sleep last night, cant believe you are going to be officialy mine in two hours.."

She smiled.She immediately wrote -

" I am already yours, but yes officially it is..."

She got a quick reply

"Zoya, are you ok? I know you didn't dream it like this,but for me..."

She wrote back instantly -

"And for you, id jump through fire Asad, if I have to, to be with you,i'd do anything,and everything, im ok, just nervous, I guess, it is my wedding day after all...relax, i am fine..."

She got a quick reply -

"I love you, Zoya..."

She quickly typed - " I love you too..."

"See you in court at 11.00 am, sharp,ill be waiting Zoya..."

Asad really was her life, her everything.And it was strange,because thats what love had done to her, made her go behind her family's back,made her choose him over everything else,and she had really given it all.They loved each other too much, and this indeed was the only way out, once her family found out they would be angry, but they would never separate husband and wife,no one would, everyone believed too much in the sacred institution of marriage.Even her brother wouldn't do anything to separate them,because, deep down she knew, his heart wouldn't let him.He loved her way too much for that,and she felt really guilty for that,but there wasn't any other way out.

She finally picked up her business bag,and looked at her reflection in the mirror finally,before stepping out.Life was full of suprises, it made you do things you had never expected.She always knew, Asad was at this distance, the distance they had both equally to meet each other, and now it was time, she finally took the leap of faith.

She smiled at herself, out of all the things Zoya Singh Raizada had ever thought off, she had never thought of getting married in a business suit.


Zoya walked in to her mother's room,and she asked the nurse, about if her vitals were fine.She asked her to leave the room for a few minutes,and she walked and sat on the stool next to her bed,and put her head down on the bed,and took her mothers hand and put it on her head, as if to seek her blessings.She felt tears fill up her eyes, if she were here today present physically and emotionally,she would have been the happiest,her daughter was getting married after all. She felt her emotions rise, at that thought,for the last ten years, all she had had, was memories of her mother,to live with, she had been small,but not too small to not remember her,she had a lot of memories,which were close to her heart.She knew, if her mother were here today out of coma, then probably the situation would have been very different.

She stayed like that for a few more minutes as she spoke - " Maa, I really wish you were here, I am going to do something that is against Bhai, but i have no other way out, bhai wouldn't understand, atlas not now...but i know if you were here, you would understand, I love you maa..."

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