Chapter 11 - The First Cut is the Deepest

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Chapter 11 - The First Cut is the Deepest

We never usually forget our first's.The first's of mostly everything, as we grow up.And then obviously comes, the firsts of the heart, the first feel of the heartbeats go faster, the first kiss, the first touch, the first love,we never forget those,as the First's usually have this special spot in our hearts. And then comes the first hurt, the first heartbreak,the first cut,we definitely can never forget those as well. Just like there are two sides of the coin,there are two sides here too, you dont usually forget your first love, just like you dont usually forget your first cut of the heart, because mostly its not really a thing which is promclaimed loudly, but it still stands true, that out of all the hurt,and the cuts, it really is the First Cut, which is the deepest.


As much as it shocked him, he didn't know why his fingers were shaking, as he pressed the keys, and browsed through all the pictures on Khushi's laptop, in her family folder, each picture, silently butchering his heart. He shut it down, with a slam, and stared back, at her dissertation, with her name staring to his face.

Khushi Ahemed Khan. She was no Khushi Gupta, the girl he had been with, that beautiful magnificent, mesmerising,girl, was Khushi Ahemed Khan. Asad Ahemed Khan's baby sister,his arch enemy's little sister.He felt so angry, in that moment, that he clutched his fist, and threw her disseration on the floor.

She had lied to him all along,she had lied to him since day one.

He felt cheated,he felt betrayed,something he had never felt, in the last ten years,because he had given just no one the power to hurt him, cheat him and betray him.He had only felt the same, on that fateful day, ten years ago, which had changed their lives,and he had promised himself that he would shut himself up, and never allow himself to feel what he had felt that day, when he had lost so much, the loss which had led to this rivalry, between him and Asad, and now, on this very day, his little sister, had walked into his life, and messed it all up.

He closed his eyes in pure rage, as his heart welled up with different emotions for her, and as it started replaying in his head, every moment he had spent with her. He had thought her to be different, someone whom he could trust, atlas he thought he could.She had been a beautiful change,in his Life.He controlled every emotion as he reminded himself,that she wasn't any of that, she was nothing but a lie.His mind won, as it questioned, everything Khushi had said, and done, really then everything was just a lie?? He couldn't believe what a fool he had been, to fall for her the way he had, he was a fool,and what if all this really was just a trap,by her, to get to him, for her brother.He wouldn't be surprised if it was, she could lie about her name, her identity, she could really just lie about anything.

Anger, rage, hurt,betrayal, was all he could feel,and he couldn't believe, that he was feeling all of it, at the hands of Asad Ahemed Khan's sister.

A part of him wanted to get out of there, because now that his mind had won, and shut down every emotion, he had ever felt, for her, his anger was peaking, and he knew the best way out, was to just walk out of here, and just never see her face again, and thats what he had thought he would do,and he started to make his way out, but it was right then he heard her voice behind her - " Arnav, sorry, did i keep you waiting long??"

And just her voice, hearing just her voice, refuelled the hurt,he had been feeling, and before he could control himself, and his rage, he had turned around,walked towards her at the speed of light and shoved her to the wall, holding her tightly by the arms as he said , sure that his anger was dripping in his voice - " sorry, what , just what did you say??"

Khushi was shell shocked, as shed felt him push her into the wall, so hard, and she just looked at him frightened by the anger on his face as she said, her voice trembling - " Arnav, whats wrong...did I do something??", and she tried to touch his face.

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