Chapter 2 - A Strange Wish..for A Strange Possibility?

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Chapter 2 – A Strange Wish...for A Strange Impossibility?

We all must have often observed or noticed in our Lives...that how mostly everything that we do...or we plan to simply classified in our Minds into two columns – One column of the Possibility – the possible things that we have done/ are doing/will continue to do in our Lives..its a simple classification...often makes our Life easier.

But then ofcourse there is a catch – when comes into the picture the Other column – The column of Impossibility...we know it is an impossible classification...far away from our reach...but what happens when we feel like wanting to do the Impossible...just so as to challenge it...and probably Hope..and dare to dream to convert it into a Possibility one day....and what really happens when we start getting drawn towards an Impossibility?? Do we we lead ourselves on..?? Yes..we do. We all do it just sometimes...due to the Enigma it reflects...we all do Dream the Impossible...leading ourselves to the path where we find ourselves face to face with – A Strange Wish...for a Strange Impossibility.


Asad finally shut down his Laptop ...and finished the presentation he had been working on...for the clients in Boston....which he was to meet on Monday..and he looked around the business class cabin to see mostly all the seats flat as he noticed that everyone mostly was sleeping...and so he thought he should get some sleep he checked his watch..barely only three hours were left for Landing.

He got up and made his way to the washroom...which was towards the front of the cabin...and it was on his way back towards his seat..when he thought he saw a familiar face...on the first seat...of the opposite side of where he was seated...but she was sleeping...and so he looked as to confirm it was really who he thought she was....and he felt a smile curve up his he walked back to his seat...not wanting to disturb his sisters sleeping best friend in her slumber. He settled down in his seat and he thought of why hadn't Khushi mentioned this to him on the phone when he spoke to her...that Miss Farooqui was flying to US too?? And why hadn't he spotted her? And then it dawned on him that she must have boarded in on London...and taken her seat first...unlike him...who was the last one to board the flight..because he had utilized the time in Transit to freshen up at the Lounge.But he still wondered...what would she be doing here as in going to Boston anyway for? She was a year older than Khushi and had already finished the course his sister was almost finishing...could it be that she was heading there for some work?? She did say..she was working...but he didn't know exactly where.

As he tried to get some sleep...he felt his mind wander about to the first time he had met her...Miss Zoya Farooqui....when he had gone to visit Khushi...three months ago....and he felt a smile gather up his face as he recalled how her funny antics had caught his attention....well ofcourse...he hadn't spent much time with the two..barely two days....but he didn't know why...she seemed familiar to him at first...and he had brushed the thought away wondering that she was just a stranger whom he had just could she seem familiar? And he had noticed in those two days...that for Khushi...she was a wonderful friend...and he was happy and content...knowing that Khushi , his little sister had somebody who genuinely cared for her in a different country...where she was away from her family.And maybe that was probably one of the reasons...why he was fond of Miss Farooqui...because she was a good friend to his little sister...and secondly maybe because...she was funny....and amusing...and intelligent...and breathtakingly beautiful.There were times in that day hed spent with Khushi and her..when shed made the two of them crack up and laugh about anything and everything....and he had to give that to her...beacause he knew it was a difficult thing to Crack him up...and she had managed to do that pretty well and then there were times...when hed almost thought hed seen her steal glances at him once in a while...and then get back into a deep serious thought.....which made him unable to figure out what the hell was going on in that mind of hers. And then hed left...and he hadn't spoken to her ever since except for a few byes and hi's through Khushi on phone...and that was it.But he wondered quite a few times since he had met her....that how was it that she had managed to catch his interest in a way no girl/woman had. He was 28...but yes he was very tradiotional when it came to women...and so he had never indulged in any casual affairs...or flings...because he classified it as Nonsense...and also because nothing except for work and family occupied his mind anyway. But she had caught his attention....hadnt she? And he had felt himself being taken that smile..the first smile she gave him nervously when Khushi introduced her to him...and he had almost kicked himself for thinking about /or being drawn towards his little sisters best friend...she was 23....a year older to Khushi...but still almost 5 years younger to him, and exactly that thought was the same one he fought...when hed felt himself noticing how beautiful and attractive she was, and then ofcourse he he was leaving....hed noticed her just nervously say Bye...and walk off just like that....without saying a word...and so he shrugged every thought that was on his mind...and left...but Zoya Farooqui continued to remain a Mystery to his mind...everytime he thought of her. He felt Sleep finally ready to take over...and he slept wondering....if he would find himself smiling again...when he would hear her exclaim – Allah Miyaan whats wrong with you Mr.Khan?

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