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Chapter 42 - The Wings of Time

I have often heard them say that Time is the answer to almost all our problems.Everything settles down, all you need is the time to pass.And lucky for us mortals, that the law of time has it's principles written down in stone, for that clock,never stops for anyone.

Sometimes, moments in our Lives, blossom with time, sometime they wither with time, and its strange because we make our own choices and then we call it Fate, and what better excuse to choose to live a certain way,terming it in our heads as our destiny,but at the end of the day we all have to live with our choices,for first we make these choices, which in turn make us.

They also say, that Time is the biggest healer, and I have now figured out how that works.Emotional pains, and especially the wounds of love are similar to those lines that can never really be erased, so Time basically just draws a bigger line of strength next to it, which not only helps us in the reality but also in the memories.The pain doesn't really reduce, but because,that line of strength is now a part of us,we are able to say : Oh, it doesn't hurt anymore.The pain sometimes becomes a Chapter called : Once Upon a Time In Life,and that is how Time always takes the credit for being the best healer.

However,No Matter what days Time brings our way, it only soars right past us, flapping its wings.And there are two ways of dealing with this flight of Time,one as though nothing it brings your way is a Miracle,and the other is as if Everything is.

The Wings of Time, also have the power to change us,often, its something that happens to all of us, but have you ever wondered, thats the catch in here,for its because we change with the Time,we often forget to notice the fact that the Times,are always changing.


100 Days Later


Barkat - 10.00 PM

Khushi put her phone aside, she had just finished the face time call with Zoya,and she smiled,she was glad that Zoya had found a good friend in Abir.

She picked up the remote and adjusted the temperature on ac, the Delhi Monsoon had arrived the usual this year, but still almost the end of July but the heat was high.She picked up her phone,and she texted Arnav.

Khushi : My love,are you free yet?

Her phone beeped in a few seconds.

Arnav : I will be in a while, ill call you once I'm in my room.

She smiled,as she put her phone aside,and she closed her eyes for a brief second, it had been over three months, that Arnav and her had been officially together,well if you put it in days, it had been 112 days,and even though they had on numerous occasions, tried to tell both their families about them, she herself had not let Arnav reveal it, and nor did she,not even to her brother, who she knew was now growing very curious about his best friend's love, who had changed Arnav Singh Raizada for real.

She smiled, it wasn't because, she wanted to hide it, it was because she had been loving the thrill of the hidden romance.For the last three months they had been meeting on and off, sneaking under the nose of their families on various get together's, and also at every other opportunity they got.And she knew, he was now getting restless because of it,and thats why she had decided that she would talk about it with Arnav tonight.

In two days time,she was leaving with Raizada's for a small holiday.Anjali di, Shyam jiju, Akash and Payal, were going on a joint vacation for a week to South of France,and were going to later on visit Zoya for a couple of days in Interlaken.She ,herself had been wanting to visit Zoya for two months now, but as usual , Zoya had talked her out off it on the pretext that she wanted Khushi to see her, when she was even better,but Khushi couldn't wait longer, so last week she had finally decided to now force her visit on Zoya, herself.And so on Anjali di's suggestion, she was now travelling with them and would be with them for two days in London,and then she would fly off to Zurich by herself,to be with Zoya,and they would continue on their vacation and then come to Interlaken and then all of them were supposed to return together.Ofcourse, she was very excited to be finallyy visiting Zoya, it had been really really long since she had left.It had been 103 days.

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