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Chapter 45 - Hold Me Now 

Interlaken - 6.00 AM

Arnav stirred in his sleep, and the minute he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but smile, because his gaze fell on Khushi who was fast asleep, with her head rested in the crook of his arm, she looked so serene and mesmerising, asleep peacefully in his arms.He twisted sideways towards her slowly, because he didn't want to disturb her peaceful slumber, and he gently brushed a few strands of her hair off her face and kissed her forehead gently, and he took a deep breathe, and continued to watch her sleep, he had never felt so much at peace, so much in love, and so content ever.

The memories of the night spent with her came back to his mind, and he felt his heartbeats fasten, and he smiled to himself again, so this was what it felt like to make love,This heavenly blissful feeling was a new experience in itself, this was what it felt like have someone in your arms that you truly love more than your own life, he bent forward and kissed her nose tenderly, and she stirred in her sleep, and he hugged her close, and closed his eyes.He wanted to freeze time, to this moment if he could, but he nudged that thought away because his mind reminded him, that many more moments were yet to come.

He tightened his hold onto her, she really was the love of his life and he wanted to stay like that forever, deeply and completely crazy in her Love, and he knew he would, because he would never have enough off her in this life for sure.Strange though, how love had conquered him totally, everything was about her now, his life revolved around her, when he wasn't with her, she was on his mind constantly, it was as if she had filled him with herself so much, that he would really be nothing but a empty hollow shell, without her.He kissed her head tenderly again, he wanted to love her with all he had, he wanted to cradle her in his arms as she slept at night, and see her laugh first thing every morning, and he was glad that she had decided to tell everyone about them once they were back, for he wanted to marry her, he happily would any next minute, he smiled again at that, he never knew he would be at so much ease with marriage, but it was Khushi, the light and love of his life, this was what she had done to him.He held her close as sleep started to take over, he had now somewhat gotten used to be emotionally moved all the time, because Khushi had been managing to do that, pull strings of emotions in his being, but even then nothing could have prepared him for what he had felt when he had made love to her, he was touched and moved in a way that he couldn't explain even to his own self,she had surely melted in his arms, but along with that she had also marked every bit off him as her's.


8.00 AM

Khushi opened her eyes to the feeling off being cuddled tightly in Arnav's arms, and she smiled to herself, and just as the memories of last night filled her mind, she was sure she had blushed to a shade a deep crimson red, and she sifted back a little, and adjusted the blanket on him, and covered her torso with it, and she propped herself up on her below against the soft pillow, and ran her hand softly and gently through his hair, not wanting to wake him up, it really was fascinating to watch him sleep.She cupped his face tenderly and bent forward and kissed his forehead, really overwhelmed with emotion, and it was right then his eyes fluttered open, and she whispered softly - " sorry, did i wake you up??"

Arnav linked his arm into her, and pulled her in an instant closer into him as he whispered sleepily - " sleep some more...",and he snuggled into her, and Khushi happily obliged but she spoke - " I think we should get up Arnav, not that there is anywhere else i want to be...but we both know Abir will be here soon..."

Arnav hugged her sleepily again - " oh please, you don't have your phone, how do you even know the time huh??"

Khushi smiled - "Well there is a clock on the wall, my love..."

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