Chapter 1 - The Silent Truth

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Chapter 1 - The Silent Truth

Almost everyone in our Lives we know atleast talks about or tells us or rather lectures us about the importance of Boundaries in our Lives...about the limits that perhaps we should never cross...and about how we should always stick to them....but isnt it ironical...That No one ever told the truth in the first place...the truth that doesn't make a noise but exists silently in our being...the truth that in the World of the heart...the word Boundary doesn't even Exist in its otherwise complicated dictionary of emotions...It just never has...and probably it just never ever will....


6.30 AM - @Barkat ( Khan's Mansion)

Asad Ahemed Khan...woke up with a start as his alarm clock went off...and got ready in his workout clothes and made his way down to the basement of his home.He swtiched on the lights to the otherwise dark room...and shut the door....he switched on the soft music on his Ipod which was stationed on the speaker base...and started his day as usually with his workout routine....the only time in the day he had for himself...because most of the rest of the day would be burried in Work...and once he was home...he would spend that much needed time with his mother...and then talking to his younger sister Khushi..who was studying in London...and then at night....the memories of the past would come to haunt him...haunt him...until sleep took over....memories of how Life used to be ten years ago...

He increased the speed on the cardio as he ran and remembered the death of his father and his little sister Najma....and how happiness left him that he lost so much in that one day- His father...his sister....his best friend...the family he had grown up with...whose friendship was always talked about by people....

He brought his run to a stop as he reminded himself that all of that was ten years ago..when he was 18...and a different person all together.And it didn't matter now...because the truth of his Life was too bitter to ignore - Today he hated...he despised the best friend he grew up with...he hated him to the core...and no memory of the good old past could outlive the hatred he felt for Arnav Singh

Right then he rememebered something..and so he called his secretary and asked him book his tickets for the flight tonight to US...his construction company had just won a contract...the contract which AR had been bidding for too...he was happy that he had outsmarted Raizada this time...and had backed the deal that would generate millions and also bring a lot of goodwill to Khan Industries.

He felt a sarcastic smirk on his lips as he imagined the face of his rival...and his reaction to his defeat.He had never come face to face with him in these Ten the sense they had never spoken a word to each other....but the cold war existed...and it was always in the air...even at the business conferences and award functions they had spotted each other in.

He finished his workout a while later and walked up to see his Ammi already preparing breakfast.He smiled as he walked upto her and wished her goodmorning.

Asad - ' Ammi...I forgot to tell you last night..ill be leaving for US tonight....we have backed the deal...and I am really happy that we have...and ill be flying via London...but its just going to be in transit...and I did not tell Khushi about it u think shell be mad that I ddnt stop to visit her first? I mean she didn't even come home for holidays this summer....'

Dilshaad smiled as she made her son sit down on the chair besides her and said - ' Well no Asad...Khushi will not be mad...she understands her bhaijaan has a lot of work....and secondly she did not come because its her final year right ..she is just finishing her MBA...u know she is busy with her dissertation...and once that finishes...she will be back for good....and honestly I cant wait too..I miss her so much too...this house is eerie with the silence without her'...but she stopped in midsentence as she saw her sons face harden in pain and so she diverted the topic and said - ' anyway...congratulations on the this the one for Khan designs?'

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