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Chapter 32 - RIPPED

Its Unfortunate

Its Heartbreaking

Its A Pain

That Shakes the Soul

The Pain That Seers through My Being

When the Realisation Struck

That I was The One

Who brought this Upon Us

The Soul Shattering Pain As I Realise

That I Ripped Your Heart

That I Ripped Your Soul

The Soul Shattering Pain As I Realise

That I Ripped My Heart

That I ripped My Soul



Anjali listened carefully as Arnav filled her in about everything that had happened with Khushi last night, and about how he had gone to the hospital to be with their mother,and by that look on his face,she knew that something deep inside of him, in his heart, and in his mind and probably in his soul, had changed completely,good because, he had finally evolved in his love, bad,because he had paid a very heavy price in return.

A very high price indeed.

She sighed as she sat next to him as she touched his shoulder - " You did the right thing, Chotte, but im sorry, i am so sorry, that this happened..."

Arnav nodded and held his sisters hand for some comfort - " and i dont have anyone else to blame but myself, di, and thats really what hurts the most....anyway theres something else that i want to do now..."

Anjali looked at his pained yet taut face and she asked cautiously - " what??"

Arnav - " I need to see Asad, and i need to talk to him..."

Anjali was now shell shocked as she asked - " what?????? what did you just say??"

Arnav sighed - " Theres something you should know di...", and he started telling her about everything Khushi had told him, in regards to why Asad hadn't supported him for investigation all those years ago.

Anjali felt tears welling up as she whispered - " I knew there had to be a strong reason Chotte, deep down in my heart i always believed there had to be something more to that, or else Asad wouldn't have turned his back to you on the investigation,and now we know...."

Arnav brushed his hand in his hair as he said - " di, i don't know why he didn't tell me any of this then...and thats a question i need to ask him,because we were best friends weren't we, we grew up together, why couldn't he come to us, and tell us about what happened to Dilshaad aunty, why did he have to take it in all alone, from what i heard and know from Khushi, it was the darkest night of his life, probably just like how it is for all of us..."

Anjali looked at him as she asked - " does this information help you see him in a different light Chotte??"

Arnav sighed - " well to be honest, i am still hurt very hurt over the fact that he didn't give us the benefit of doubt, us as in to dad,that he didn't believe me when I asked him to see that there was more than what met the eye here, but yes, the hatred that immense hatred, that i felt for all these years,has vanished di, all of a sudden just like that, i don't hate him anymore, now that i know,his reason.You know i hated him more ,thinking that my best friend, betrayed me like none other and went behind my back and without even taking to me once, took the decision,the decision to halt the investigation,to clear up the mess,that he took the decision in a jiffy ,the decision that changed everything between him and me,and did the damage that our fathers couldn't do.And now that I know, all i want to know is why couldn't he come to me, and tell me just once, maybe just maybe I would have understood back then, i was a different person, wasn't i, di...??"

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