Chapter 3 - Just a Lie..or A Wonderful Lie It Is??

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Chapter 3 - Just a Lie...or A Wonderful Lie, It is?

A Lie.Isnt it something we just usually always think isnt it a good thing,because we are all programmed that way, making us always preach the fact that Honesty is indeed the Best Policy and that we should always speak the truth, its true ofcourse that it is indeed just always easy and better to operate with Honesty in Life and also in our relationships and most importantly with ourselves. But still we cannot deny the fact that we all have lied at some point in our lives it could be while we were growing up to our parents to save ourselves from their angry rant for being so irresponsible at times for the silly fun stuff we all do or maybe sometimes to our teachers about being ill for not doing our homework on time or sometimes to save our friends or the ones we love, from the truth that might hurt them. Its a truth as simple as that...that we all have used the Lie in our Lives.

And then comes the Lies which stay with us forever- the lies that we tell ourselves to either escape into the world of denial or to either escape from our very own feelings and emotions or just sometimes because the truth is too bitter that it is better to not face it and its just easier to mislead ourselves by a Lie than to admit the truth. But still we all know that A Lie is a temporary solution to a problem and not a permanent one but then why is it that we still fall for it- when it specially comes to the matters of the Heart, why do we still sometimes choose to let our heart seek the comfort in a lie, maybe because we all get carried away by the comfort and the happiness our heart starts to seek in it by the wonders A Lie can reflect at times and in that moment, it is but natural to wonder that are all Lies just wrong? Is there no Lie that can be right if it brings happiness to the heart? Its only but natural to just wonder at times that is it really- Just a Lie....Or a Wonderful Lie , It is?


8.30 AM - London

Khushi had just returned from her morning swim,and she felt a little bit relaxed,thank god for her love for swimming,it was almost like when she was in water-all her worries would wash away,and she used that time to think from a clear state of mind.

And the things she had learned from her todays morning swim was that - First, there was no way her heart was listening to control the attraction and the pull towards the man,her mind was wanting to avoid but she was failing miserably because everytime she closed her eyes,she could only think of him,and she remembered how she had managed to stay quiet over dinner which he had ordered for them last night,and given her no choice but to join him,because he knew she did not have the grocery to cook; and he had argued that he had ordered enough for two anyway.She had managed to finish the meal as soon as possible,and had made a excuse that she had to do some work on her dissertation,to avoid his constant gaze on her. The second thing she had realized was that,there was no way she could not see his deep brown intense eyes,every time she closed hers-because it was as if they had captured a place in her mind and she had had another restless night,by fighting to not think of him or his eyes or how he looked at her.The third thing she had realized was- that she had landed herself in the middle of a deep mess-the mess she wanted to be in.It was a lie-and she knew that it was wrong to live this lie,but she couldnt fight the temptation to not live it.

She poured herself some cereal and milk and she ate still deep in thought just when a thought crossed her mind and she left her breakfast and walked with the milk carton and the box of cereal across the hall to knock on his door.

Arnav was just busy getting ready for work,it was early but since he didnt have much to eat at the studio ,he thought it would be best to reach work early and order something because he could not skip his breakfast as he had to take his diabetic medicine soon after and as soon as he finished wearing his suits,his thoughts wondered to her again the mesmerizing innocent her , who was living across the hall and he tried to figure out why was she behaving so differently over dinner last night she seemed all normal at lunch and even after then why had she gone on this sudden silent mode on Dinner ,she barely spoke to him except for a few general things about Zoya and she went into a total mute zone as soon as he asked about her family and she had just diverted the topic to -how she had to get some work done,and excused herself almost sprinting out of his sight,suprising him to the core. Had he said something that he shouldnt have? Or had he done something to make her uncomfortable? And right then the moment of when hed caught her in his arms earlier yesterday crossed his mind,and he wondered if his sudden closeness in that moment was what was worrying her. He couldnt understand that why was he thinking about her so much anyway? And he decided to not pay attention to Miss Khushi Gupta and her existence just when he heard a knock on his door,and he walked towards it to open it,wondering who could it be so early-it was just 8.40 am.

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