Chapter 12 - The Heart Still Beats

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Chapter 12 – The Heart Still Beats

Love, never promised, being easy, it just always mostly, seemed worth it, atleast that's what we think, when the going gets tough. Its a way of the heart consoling us, that you just gotta hold on, and one day love will win, no matter what. But what happens, when the heart is too hurt to be positive, when everything seems blank and black?? What happens when the heart still replays the memories, in its chambers storing them deep inside, and using it as a tool to remind you, of the times that used to be. Those are the times, when we are nothing but toys at the hand of the heart, because its that one organ, no matter what we do or say, it just plays with its own rules.

And no matter what happens, one thing always stays in common, when the heart first falls in love, or when the heart witnesses its first break, it still beats. And probably, if not as fast as in the former case,but as strongly it still does. The heart, still beats, for love, hurt or no hurt, that's one thing we cant really help.


4 PM – Sunday – Boston

Asad watched Zoya pack her bags, and he took that time, to admire her, as he lay on the bed, waiting for her to finish.Ever since he had realized he loved her, his life had seemed to lit up even more, which he hadn't thought was possible, because already the light Zoya had brought into his life was amazing and suprising, but as much as he wanted to understand this complex emotion, which he had now believed, was Love, he was scared too, because he had never felt this way before, he handed never handed anyone his heart, just like he had done with Zoya. He was scared, because he knew, he needed her in his life, now.He knew he could never let her go, he knew, now, there was no looking back for him. This was the woman, he had handed everything too. Hadnt his heart been waiting all its Life, to find its missing piece, and Zoya had been the answer to his heart's puzzle, which she had so easily fixed, and the picture she made was just beautiful. He had known always, that if he ever fell in love, it would be forever, and as he glanced at Zoya, frantically pack, he couldn't help, but smile, she was his perfect forever. He was sure, life with her would be as exciting, and interesting, than what he could ever imagine. He really did feel, that nothing in him, was without Zoya anymore, every thought he thought, everywhere he went, Zoya was on his mind and heart. She had managed to do this to him, she had managed to make him feel Love, to fall in love, and now that he felt what it did, he didn't want to exchange it for anything. He felt like pulling her into a hug, and tell her how much he felt, to tell her how much he loved her, to tell her that the string that tied him to her, was unbreakable now, and this change in him, which led him to be be a happy man in love, was only because of her.He wouldn't be Asad anymore, without Zoya. He was hers, forever.

Right then he saw Zoya finally zip up her bags, and she looked at him in accomplishment as she stated – " there you go, I told you, I can fit it all in...there isn't a think Zoya can't do....and thank you for your help...", she teased him.

Asad grinned and pulled her by the hand, and she fell on the bed and he tugged her hair aside , and said – " well, I was enjoying watching you, it was amusing, you cant blame me for not helping...."

Zoya grinned – " very funny, I know you were like this in this superdeep thought, you didn't think I wouldn't notice or what?? What were you thinking??"

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