Chapter 14 - Set Me Free

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Chapter 14 - Set Me Free

I'v been holding it all in, for so long,

But now I just want to let it loose,

I wana come out honest, so that there is no more burden on my heart,

For In my heart, is only love, 

The love that I feel for you,

I want to tell the truth,because i dont want be tied down anymore,

I want to set us free, hoping that the truth will finally,

Set Me Free.


Asad stood looking into nowhere, by the road, as various thoughts ran through his mind.It made him really uneasy thinking Zoya was hiding something from him, and he really did think that they were past all that,but every time her family came up, she did go all distant on him, and he had tried to comprehend a number of reasons for the same, and he couldn't come up with anything else other than the fact that maybe just she wasn't ready to share that part of her life with him, yet,and it hurt deeply, to think that she didn't feel like she could,whereas he had opened up to her in every way possible, opened his heart, to her, something he had never done before, he had handed her his everything, mind, body , soul, and he loved her so deeply,and he knew she loved him too, but somehow just the thought, that she still did not open to him about everything, hurt real bad.He stopped that chain of thought, as he made himself understand, that he shouldn't just jump to conclusions here, just maybe she would have spoken to him, at her own pace and time,and that would have been for the best ofcourse, because he loved her, and he didn't want to force anything on her,he couldn't do that to her,and so he decided to put his hurt aside, as he made his way back to the building, it was time, he told Zoya, that she could take her time, and he would wait, for that day, when she would on her own, talk to him about everything,and he smiled at that, because just then a realisation struck that Zoya had indeed changed everything about him, because for her, he could indeed wait just forever.


Zoya paced around, impatiently outside the building, waiting for Asad,just like she had been doing for the last 30 minutes.She didn't know where had he gone, and he had left his phone as well, and so the best she had thought was to wait right outside in front of the  building, that way she wouldn't miss him.And as she was pacing,she realised that she was really scared, and nervous, what if Asad walked out on her too, just what if?? Could she live with that?? She knew she couldnt, and she knew that is why she had to find a way to make him understand, and she had to have full faith in their love, she couldn't let fear take over now,because the time was indeed here, she knew she had to tell him the truth no matter what.She was still deeply engrossed in her thoughts, when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to see Asad right in front of her, and she hugged him immediately as she said - " Asad, where were you?? you have any idea how worried I was?? Look , im sorry, i dont want you to think that there is a part of me that i am not ready to share with you, because that isn't the truth, i swear...."

Asad hugged her close for a minute, as he heard her, and then he pulled apart,and kissed her forehead tenderly and whispered - " No, Zoya, i am sorry, for being so paranoid, i know you wouldn't hide anything from me, if you were ready to talk about it, and just so you know, i can wait forever, for that day,when you will be ready to share everything bout your life with me, because I know, that ,that day will surely come, I love you...."

Zoya felt a zillion emotions run through her, as she heard him,and the guilt rose again,and she knew, she had to do this now, for it was now or never, and she spoke - " I love you too,Asad, and i wont make you wait long,i need to talk to you...."

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