Chapter 18 - Stealing Chances

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Chapter 18 - Stealing Chances

Friday Morning - 8.00 AM

Zoya looked around,the lounge, as she waited along with her brother to board.Boarding would be announced, in another five minutes.Where the hell was Asad?? She could not beleive, he was late.She had been planning to spend some good time, with him,yes she would have to sneak around, but it would be so much easier to sneak out in Bombay, than it was here in Delhi.She was sure her thoughts were on her face, as she heard her brother ask - "Zoya whats up? finish your meal, now will you already? boarding will be announced shortly, hey whats wrong??", she saw him wave his hand in front of her face.

Zoya looked at him and faked a smile - "nothing Bhai, you know its a early day, i was just thinking, nothing actually leave it, i see you have finished, ill hurry, dont worry..", and she started to gulp down her sandwich.

Arnav looked at his sister starting to gulp down her food and he couldn't help but smile, Zoya was still such a kid, he said - " ill be back from the washroom, you take your time, we still have ten minutes...dont want you to choke..."

And with that he walked to the men room.

It was right then Zoya heard her phone beep, and she saw Asad's message - " how do you do this, Zoya??"

Zoya typed fast - " do what?hey where are you? you aren't going to miss the flight?"

her phone beeped -

" how do you mange to look so beautiful, even when trying to gulp down amazes me..."

She looked around,in the front of the lounge,scanning the room for him, she couldn't see him.She typed back -

"what the hell? you are here??where are you?? i was so worried you'd miss the flight!!"

"ofcourse Zoya, i am here, i want to live you see, i knew you'd kill me, if i missed this flight..."

"Then why cant i see you??", she typed back.

"because you aren't looking in the right place, im right behind you, look the back, im right where i can watch you from..."

Zoya looked back in an instant and she spotted him, in an instant, and their eyes locked across the room, and she smiled,and watched him smile ,as he resumed his attention to his phone,he was typing something, and she waited for his message,and it came within a few seconds - "you have no idea, how am i fighting the urge to come pull you in my arms...."

Zoya saw him get up, and she shot him a horrified look , and she typed fast- " very funny, you know bhai...would be here any minute so...Asad , don't even think about...."

Her phone beeped in a second

" and here he is, you think im scared of him?"

She couldn't reply to his message, as she saw her brother walk up and sit in front of her, and she just hoped, Asad wasn't going to do something stupid.

She watched her brother stiffen, and she spotted Asad walk right past them,and the cold look, they both shared, gave her shivers.

She watched Asad leave the lounge, as she heard her brother state angrily- " what a terrible start to my day, what the hell is he doing here, anyway?

Zoya drank her water as she said - " oh bhai, cmon, maybe he is attending the conference can't do anything about it, now lets go....", and with that she pulled him with her.

They boarded, and she spotted Asad sitting, and she saw him give her a look, and she looked at him briefly and then looked away immediately, because her brother was behind her.She checked her seat no, and she said to her brother - " bhai, what's this? didn't you ask them to give us seats together at check in?

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