Chapter 4 - Just Life or A Movie It Is??

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Chapter 4 – Just Life, Or A Movie, It Is ?

Each of our Lives, is a unique story of its own, it has its share of happiness, the ups and downs , the sadness, the romance, the mix of emotions that we all face as we grow up , and everyday is nothing but another tale of its own. We plan a zillion things, sometimes all in our heads, only to end up doing everything differently, which ofcourse is the fun, knowing what would be in store for us tomorrow would make it boring.It's the thrill , the mystery , the anticipation that Life brings to us is what makes it interesting, to wake up not knowing what is in store for us today, to wake up to hold on to a new dream , to wake up to see different realities shape up, to wake up to live each day as it comes, to wake up to learn new things, to live different emotions, to smile, to laugh, to cry, to fight, the list is endless.And it is indeed true that we all are really Living One Story through our Lifes, the story that was meant for us, each day almost representing different phases and chapters of the book , our Life is.We all have this unique starcast and script in our stories due to which there will come a Time in each of our lives when we will all wonder , as we keep believing and keep pretending , and keep living our tales ; that few moments in our lives are scripted to happen so beautifully , and so perfectly , and some so differently with twists around its corner – that we will all mostly be questioning in awe , that even though our lives don't have the forward, rewind and pause button to it, sometimes it does feels as if it is more than what it seems, and that is when we wonder, that although people say that Our Life is not a drama or a movie, but maybe, It Is? And that's when we will often be seen asking ourselves ; Just Life, Or A Movie, It Is?


London – 6.45 AM

Khushi was almost ready , and she thought whether she should check if Arnav wanted to join her from today onwards itself, he had said that the timing 7- 8 am did suit him well , and she was just about to call him right when there was a knock on the door and she quickly opened it to see him stand right in front of her all ready in his workout wear and she thought that she was wrong, kust when she had thought that Arnav Singh Raizada could not amaze and affect her more than he already had, he just managed to prove her wrong , either with his amazing sexy smirk, intense gaze, or with how sexy he looked with almost anything he wore. She commanded herself stop staring at him and so she smiled – " Hi Arnav, goodmorning , I was just wondering if I should call you to know if you would like to join in from today itself"

Arnav smiled inwardly as he saw her check him out and he did not break his gaze from her and waited for her to finish looking at him , whilst he enjoyed gazing at the various innocent expressions that were playing on her face, right when he heard her finally speak, and so he decided to tease her as he said – " so why didn't you Khushi?"

Khushi looked at him nervously – " Why Didn't I what?

Arnav smirked, he loved the fact that he was making her nervous, for she looked adorable – " why didn't you call, if you were thinking too"

Khushi fumbled for words – " I guess I don't know, anyway so you ready? Lets go then.."

Arnav smiled – "I am , if you are.." and she walked out shutting the door to her studio and they walked towards the lift and he knew that she was aware that he had his gaze on her so he said as they started walking towards the healthclub with Khushi walking almost silently next to him so he asked – " so you will join us in AR from today on? For your project? Or are you still thinking about it?

Khushi looked at him and smiled - " No I have thought already , I will start today , so what time do you have to leave?"

Arnav smiled and patted himself for this development and said – "At 10 maybe, after breakfast"

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