Chapter 3

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They were watching us. Then they know we are awake, so how come they havn't come to talk?. Tell us what they plan to do with us, or why we are here.

At least the grounders made that part very clear.

I stared at the camera, hoping that they were watching.I wanted them to know I wasn't scared of them. Yes, they have more equipment than us, with the smoke bombs and their masks, but it doesn't change anything.

After discovering the camera's, Monty left the door and I did the same. I wish I knew more, but I know that I will only get more questions than answers.


For the first time since I've been here, I heard something other than Monty at the door. 


I rushed to the door, seeing that Monty was already there, waiting for what was to come.We shared a worried glance but he didn't look scared. Time to face the music I suppose. He nodded encouragingly and I returned the favour.

The footsteps grew closer and before I could even realize, one of them was at the door. 

A man, he looked about thirty with a similar military type of clothes that the people who took us wore, except there was no mask on his face. 

Unlike the grounders, he looked, well, like us. He reminded me of Bellamy. His jaw clenched, a harsh and determind look in his eyes. He was a leader. I could tell.

He looked between me and Monty, eyeing both of us, before moving towards my door. Involuntarily I took a step back, looking over the man cautiously. He had two daggers in his belt, but that was the only weapon I could see.

If we are prisoners, wouldn't he have brought more weapons?

The door let out a screech as he pulled it open and stepped inside. He scanned the room quickly, checkig to see if maybe we moved someting, or I don't know what he was doing. His eyes finaly returned to my intense stare.

"Come with me" He said simply, his voice sounding harsh, almost cruel. I swallowed and followed him out the door where Monty was staring at us intently. I nodded at him, as if to say that I would be okay. I hoped I would be. He nodded back, shifting his gaze over to the man, looking at him unsurely.

"Where are you taking me?" I aksed once he had grabbed onto my arm and started dragging me down a hallway.

He didn't answer me, instead he took a right turn. I would have asked more questions, but I stopped in my tracks. Down the hallway, were other rooms, like the ones Monty and I were being kept in. As we walked past, faces apeared in the windows. Face's of the 100.

So they had brought all of us here. But why?

As we walked past I saw Jasper. He was saying my name, tugging at the door. It was locked. I didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. I simply nodded again, letting him know I was working on it. He looked worried, and I don't blame him. He had every right to worry.

The man dragged me away, his grip on my arm tightening.

"Why did you bring us here? What do you want from us" I demanded from him, but he didn't even flinch. He just kept walking.

"Answer me!" I cried, but he jerked me to a stop. We arrived at a set of doors with a pair of guards outside. They nodded in acknowledgment at the man, before moving aside to let him enter. To let us enter.

Maybe I can finaly get some answers.

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