Chapter 13

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So many questions.i have so many questions.

Where the hell did everyone go!?

Why did they go?

Where the hell did they go!?

"Why the hell did they leave!?" I demanded more to myself than to Finn. As of now, we were looking. For clues to where they could have gone,or if maybe the grounders managed to take them even after the explosion.

I wish I knew

"Do you think they followed Lincoln? He said it was safe, and here, well it wasn't" Finn said but his eyes never left the ground. Still searching.

Neither of us will give up anytime soon.

"If they left with Lincoln, why didn't they try find us first" I asked but even I knew the answer.

"They thought we were dead" Finn answered though I'm sure he knew I didn't need one.

Finn jumped over a fallen log that used to be a part of our fence, and he stood on top of it. Eyes still searching.

"Hey!" He suddenly exclaimed "Bellamy come look at this!" And with that he jumped over the log. I followed hurriedly.

Once I made it over I saw Finn leaning down to the ground and as I walked closer I realized what he was looking at.

A footprint


Our excitement was short- lived when we realized that it was a grounders footprint as he tried to run away from the blast. He didn't make it, we found the body not that far from the print.

Thunder roared in the sky, indicating that it would rain. Or worse, the fog.

"We need to find somewhere to stay during the storm" I said knowing that we couldn't use the drop ship. It was too damaged and might not even make it through the storm

"I know a place. Come on, it's not that far" Finn said as he started walking away

"What place?" I asked following him but my voice was drowned out by another huge roar of thunder in the sky. Huge water droplets started falling, splashing on the ground

"We should hurry"I murmured and Finn and I broke out into a run as the rain started getting heavier and heavier.

We ran through the woods, me following Finn, the rain pounding on our backs.

For Finns sake, I hope it's not that far


After about five minutes, Finn stopped running and came to a stop before removing leaves and vines from the ground.

There was a latch

He opened it and gestured for me To go in first, which I did.

It was dark inside and once Finn closed the opening, it was pitch dark. We were both freezing, soaking wet, and now I couldn't even see anything. Great.

There was a small light that appeared, and I realized Finn had struck a match. He reached for something behind him, and before I knew it he was lighting a candle.

"What is this place?" I asked as he moved to light more candles

"An emergency home. The people never made it here because of the bombs" He said while pointing to a small picture of a family who never made it.

Finn moved towards a closet and pulled out two blankets throwing one towards me. I caught it with ease.

"How long have you known about this place?" I asked him as I looked around. There were blankets and clothes, food and even beds. If anyone got violently Injured, we could have let them stay in the beds, share the food, the clothes.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this!? We could have all shared the food! The beds would have need good for the sick!" I said bitterly. How could he have hidden all this from the rest of us?

"I didn't think it was a good idea! People would go crazy at the sight of all of this. Plus, the good is over a hundred years could have cause sickness" Finn argued

"You should have still told me!"I demanded stepping closer. Finn did the same

" I thought it was better this way!" He said and now we were nose to nose, waiting to see who would take the first punch.

In the end no one did and we both froze at the sound of the latch opening and we watched as someone jumped inside, the latch being slammed sown behind him by the wind.

We both grabbed our guns and waited and I was the first to speak

"Don't even move a muscle"

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