Chapter 17

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Alex sighed as he entered an sat at the edge of Maggie's chair. He had a lot of explaining to do. First of all, we needed to know the plan. My plan is to make it clear to him that we are not bait or some stupid distraction.

We could have been caught, WOULD have been caught if Maggie hadn't gotten here in time. We own her one for sure.

"What I want to know, is what was so important for you to get from Ash" Clarke asked looking desperate for it to be something good. If it wasn't, im not sure Alex would make it to tell the story of why he wanted it in the first place.

Clarke can be..... dangerous if you piss her off. Alex and Ash and Emilia - The whole family - has done an amazing job at that so far.

"It didn't get anything" Alex declared looking disapointed and Maggie placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled at her sweetly before turing back to look at Clarke, who was watching them warily. I was doing the same.

"You what!?" Clarke almost screamed but I covered her mouth before she could. She gave me a questioning look before understanding that people were still looking for us.

Not a goood idea to get thrown back into a cell just yet.

"You what!?" Clarke asked again, this time not screaming

"What I was looking for wasn't there"

"What were you looking for?"

"What does it matter now"

"If you want us to help, we need to know the plan Alex!" Clarke insisted. This was not a fight she would back out of

"She's right Alex" Maggie cut in and imedatly his eyes left Clarke to look at her. "If you want their help you need to tell them the plan. Its not fair to them this way. Try see it in their point of view" She said

Alex looked down but slightly nodded

"I was looking for some papers" he declared at once

"Papers!? That was it!?" I asked in shock. All that running and being chased for Papers?

"Its whats on the papers that counts" Alex said 

"So what was on the papers that is so important?" I asked mockingly. It better be important. For his sake, not just ours. From the corner of my eye I can see Clarke shooting daggers at him.

"They were the papers basically said who was born first. Ash or me" He said "Whoever is older should rule when my father is not here, and we all know he is not."

"When will he get back?"I asked

"Not anytime soon, so dont get your hopes up"

"If you don't have those papers, how did they know to put Ash in charge?" Clarke asked 

"Ash showed them false papers and because of that, I believe that I am older. Thats the plan.To prove that Ash should not be in command and I should be. I would let your people go, like I promised. We could become alies or something along those lines" Alex explained

"How do you know the papers were false?" Clarke asked

" I had them looked at. Stole them before he showed them off to everyone" He said "An old friend of my fathers knows about those kind of stuff, he can check if its true or not"

"Where is he now?" I asked

"Ash had him locked up for 'Giving out misleading information'? Something like that" Alex said

"So your plan is to find the false paper and prove that it is not real?" Clarke asked him

"No" he said shaking his head "That won't be enough. We need to find the original paper - I know Ash still has it, dont ask me how but I do." When he said that Maggie gave us a look.

He's always right about those little things, she had said. I just hope thats true.

Really hope thats true.

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