Chapter 15

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Thanks so much for everyone thats reading! If anyone wants to suggest anything to happen in the story please let me know!


I lied

It was so not a piece if cake.

Monty and I had been running around aimlessly, until we came back to Alex's room, thinking we had lost everyone chasing us. And trust me, there were a lot of people chasing us. Including Ash who tried to be intimidating when chasing us, but he seemed to have forgotten that he was still in just his underwear.

What a leader.

"Is this it!?" Monty asked panting, cluthing his side

"Yeah.... I think so" I said trying to catch my breath. "We have to hurry!" I said and opened the door.

It was in that moment that we realised that this was indeed not Alex's room, but someone elses.

"Oh crap" Monty mutteres under his breath the second he realised we were in the wrong room. Things ust went downhill from there on.

"Martha!?" A shrill voice called from what I was guessing to be a bathroom joint to the room "Could you pass me my towel" The voice asked and I realised who it was. Ash's mother.


Not only did she hate our guts, but she was Ash's mother. That means she was Alex's mother.

"Martha!?" She asked again "Im waiting" 

I gave Monty a questioning look asking him what to do. His eyes were alert and he was as freaked out and confused as I was. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed back towards the door. I nodded back at him and we slowely made our way to the door

"Am I going to have to wait all day!!" Emilia basically screamed this time and we hurriedly walked the distance to the door, silent as ever

Within seconds Monty had the door open but just as I was going to follow him out he pushed me back inside and closed the door hastly once he was inside as well.

"Ash" He mouthed and pointed outside and my eyes grew wide. Could things get any worse? First Alex lets Ash know we escaped, then we run into Emilia's bedroom out of all places we could have gone, and now Ash is on our trail.

The universe hates us.

Not that I didnt know that already.

I didn't know what to do. I looked around in a place to hide but there was nowhere to go. There was no way to get under the couch, there were no cabinets to climb into, everything was out in view too. The only place to go would be in the bathroom, but we were well cant do that.

I'd rather Ash find us then to see Emilia again.

The door creaked open and my heart stopped beating. I didn't know what to think, there was nothing we could do to save oursleves this time. No where to run, nowhere to hide.

When the door opened I came face to face with a woman dressed in something similiar to what I was wearing. Plain white clothes  but she didnt look like a prisoner. She seemed older than we did, about the same age as Alex. Probably twenty.

She had her brown hair down and she didnt look startled to see us "Emilia?" She asked in a timid voice 

"Martha! What took you so long? Get me my towel this instant!" Emilia growled but the girl/Martha? did not pay attention to her and she simply ushered me and Monty to move through the door on her right

How did I not see that door before?

"Its Margie, Ms" She said while grabbing the towel on the outside door and that was the last thing I saw before she closed the door on us.

We were in an even smaller bedroom, so small it was smaller than the cell I had on the Ark. Nothing much was inside, just a few clothes in a basket on the bedside table and the bed. 

"Close enough" Emilia said and I could tell she was no longer in the bathroom "What took you so long Martha?" She asked

"Maggie"She whispered so quietly that I barely heard it "Im sorry Madame, I did not hear you call" She said

"Didnt hear me call?" Emilia asked, her voice full of anger 

"Sorry Madame" She said once more "Ash reminded me to tell you that you had somewehre important to mee. He is busy as of now but he wanted me to let you know" Maggied said

"Thats right! I shall be leaving Martha, I excpect everything to be cleaned when I arrive back" She said and Maggie didn't bother correcting her name this time around

"Yes Madame" She said and then I heard the door shut.

This place is so crazy

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