Chapter 12

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Waiting for October 22!! So far away!!


Monty and I followed Alex down the hall silently. I wasnt sure if I was either too scared to speak, or I simply didnt have anything to say. For now, anyways, because I have a few million questions for Alex when we are a safe distance from the rest of the mountain men.

Alex took a right turn, then a sharp left turn and continued to guide us down the swriling corridors. Monty had been sending me nervous glances ever since we left the room. He doesn't trust Alex and I cant bame him.

I don't trust him completely either.

He could turn us in any minute, in fact, he could be leading us into a trap right now. For all of our sakes, I  sure as hell hope not.

Alex slowed down and came to a stop infront of a door. He looked around the corridor to see if anyone was there watching.

There was no one

He opened the door quickly and rushed us in before entering himself and slamming it shut. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the change in brightness, but when I could see everything properly, I realised we were inside a flat.

There was a bed in the far corner of the room, but not the type that were in our cells. This one was covered with a crimpled blue bed sheets and there were several shirts spawned out on it.

Beside the bed was a small table with a lamp and a few books stacked in a suprisingly neat pile. There was a couch sitting on the right, the same kind that was in the conferance room we had been in earlier except this one was blue like the bed.

There was a desk on the other side of the room, papers scattered around on it.

Monty stepped out from behind me "Where are we?" He asked Alex without lookingat him, his eyes glued at the room.

Alex smirked "Welcome to my humble chambers!" He exclaimed jokingly as he moved towards the couch and sat down. Since he helped us escape, he has become more open. Before, when he was taking me here and there, he was so angry, closed. Now, he was smiling and making jokes.

 "Sit. I'm going to assume you have a few questions for me? About our people?" He said

I took a seat at the chair at the desk while Monty sat down next to Alex.

"A few is underestimating it" I say under my breath and Alex grinned "You better get started then" he teased shifting his attention from Monty to me.

"What do your people want from us?" I asked first because it was one of the most important question of all.

"I should have guessed you would start with the hard ones" He sighed dramaticly "I honestly dont know. Im sure they have a plan, but my oh-so-kind brother,Ash, wouldnt even dream of telling me" He said

"So is he your leader?" I asked. "He acts like he" Monty added from beside Alex

Alex shrugged slightly, hesitant "I wouldnt call him a leader, but yes, he is in charge"

"If he is your brother, why are you betraying him?" I asked. It wasn't as important as some other questions I could have asked, but I was curious

"He hates me, and I hate him. Simple as that" He said

"Why do you hate each other?" Monty asked him and Alex let out a sigh, looking irritated but I saw a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"We are moving off topic. Its a long story that we dont have time for. Don't you have more questions?" he said bitterly. I saw Monty swallow next to him.

"How did your people survive? I mean, the radiation. We were sure that there was no-one down here" I asked him

"I do not know. You see, none of us really do. I suppose a few people survived and started a new life but no one is alive to tell us the tale" He said and I was shocked

"You mean you don't know how you survived!?" I exclaimed at the same time as Monty said "How can you not know!"

Another irritated look crossed Alex's face. He sighed " The story is that a group of people made it through the radiation. They say around 50 people. I suppose they were the reason we are here today. Because they were survivers, we survived" he said

"But how did they survive?" I asked 

"We don't know. Atleast, I dont. It wouldn't surprise me if Ash knew, he kind of just knows everything" Alex said and Monty was nodding next to him.

"Wow" Was all I could say.


Ive been stuck in this room for ages. I have no idea where I am, who is with me, and more importantly, why I am here.

I had seen Clarke walk past, a man taking her somewhere. Atleast that means that I am not alone here, which is good, but that could also mean that they have everyone here and the we are trapped.

"Ugh!" I shout as I gave the door another pull. Locked. "Dammit!" I said banging on the glass panel on the door. How did we manage to get ourselves into this mess? Its like we win something and before we could even celebrate, another problem gets thrown at us.

Welcome to life on earth. 

I sink to the ground in despare, my back against the white door, sitting on the cold tiles. I banged my head into the door repeatedly


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