Chapter 10

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We barely escaped. After Finn and I managed to take Tristen down, we ran. Ran for our lives, grabbing as many of our people with us as we could.

"Run!" I had screamed and didn't look back until I heard it. The explosion.

We managed to get far enough, Finn, a guy named Andy and I. The only ones on the outside that made it. 

We made it far enough to not get hurt, but the explosion still took us down. I fell to my knees, Finn and Andy next to me. I saw them struggling to keep their eyes open, and I realised I was doing the same.

That was the last thing that happened before it all went black.


I woke to someone shaking me

"Bellamy!" A voice said and the shaking on my shoulder continued 

"Bellamy get up!" The voice said again and I realised it was Finn. I groaned and opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I was lying on the floor as Finn and Andy started down at me. Finn gave me his hand to stand and I took it

"Thanks" I said looking at him gratefully "You guys okay?" I asked with concern. They both nodded.

"What about you?" Andy asked, gesturing towards my side which contained blood. I shook my head sadly, O's

"Its not my blood. Its Octavia's. She got shot saving me" I say slowly. I saw Finn and Andy share concerned looks "She's fine.I hope. Lincoln said he would take her somewhere safe" I explained as they nodded

"If she's with Lincoln she should be okay" Finn declared and Andy nodded beside him

"I know" I said not wanting to continue the conversation. It was bright when I looked around, probably around noon.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked them

"Five minutes. Andy got me up, woke me and then we woke you" Finn answered. I nodded in acknowledgement. 

"We couldnt have been out that long" Andy said, answering my unspoken question. I nodded once again, agreeing 

"I know" I said "We should try get back to the drop ship. They probably think we are dead" 

"Agreed" Finn said while Andy just nodded "Do we know which way to go?" 

"That way" I said pointing left "I think" I added rubbing my head.I realised I must have landed on a stone as some blood stained my fingers.

"Lets get going then" Andy said and we started walking.


"Are you sure we are going the right way!" Andy asked for what seemed like the 100th time

"Yes!" Finn and I said at the same time. I rolled my eyes at Andy. He reminded me of Octavia when she was little, always asking if I was doing the right thing or if I was sure of this and that. I hope she is okay, Lincoln would not let anything happen to her. Im sure of that.

One of the only thing I am sure of at the moment

"How could you possible know" Andy asked again. "I think weve been this way before" He said

"Just shut up before I cut out your tongue!" I snapped at him, looking him dead in the eye as I said it. I swear he shivered in fear.

" I was just-" Andy started but was cut off. 

Andy let out a loud scream as he was shot through the chest with an arrow.

I whirled around and Finn did the same. 

"Grounders!" I said at Finn who nodded and we stood back to back, ready to face this thing. 

"In the trees!" I said as I caught glance of what seemed to be a grounder in the tree. Finn spun around trying to find him but he belended into the green leaves above us. Dammit.

Before I could realise what was happening, the grounder landed infront of me, sword ready to kill. I blocked a couple of stabs before he managed to cut my forarm.

Finn attacked with his sword managing to injure the grounder. He cried out in pain and I took that as a chance to finish him. I dove my sword into his chest with a frustrated cry.

The grounder infront of me crumpled on to the ground and I pulled out my sword as he did. I turned around to see Finn checking Andy's pulse. He shook his head and got off from the ground.

"He's dead" He said sadly, looking back at Andy.

"We should go, get back to the drop ship. There could be more of them out here" I said taking a last glance at Andy before turning to walk away, Finn next to me with our swords raised. We would be ready if any more of these suckers came at us.

"Who knew we could make such a good team" Finn said jockingly

"Dont get your hopes up" I said back to him as we kept walking.


"We should soon be there" Finn said as he jumped over a collapsed log. I jumped over after him managing a steady landing

"I hope so" I said as we came across another fallen tree. The setting was starting to look familier as we neared what was left of the camp and the drop ship. All that hard work building out place and its all destroyed.

"Hey, I think this is it!" Finn said as we did enter the old camp. It was aweful. Dead bodies littered the floor ( Thankfully most of them were grounders) and everything around it was destoryed. Grey ash covered the grounds. 

"The plan worked" I said as I kicked away a stone, I then realised something. The door to the drop ship was open. And no one was around.

"Finn" I said, nodding towards the ship as I walked forward.

I ran inside with Finn on my heels, Screaming "Hello!?" no answer

"Anyone here!?" I said again but still no answer

"Someone!?"FInn screamed too as we get insie the ship. It was empty. What the hell?

"Where is everyone?"Finn asked panting and looked around in fear

"I wish I knew"

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