Chapter 9

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I froze

I didn't know what to do, it was like my brain stopped working for a minute,

"Hide!" I had whisper screamed at Monty, who didn't need me to tell him twice because he was already crawling under the couch that looked the most beaten. I guess he was hoping no one would choose to sit on that one. Smart like always.

Without thinking I opened one of the cupboards - which was thankfully empty - and I crawled inside, thankful for once that I wasn't tall. I gave Monty what I hoped was a small smile telling him that it would be okay, but I think it came out more like a terrified glance.

I shut the door just in time for the door to the room to open.

In all the other rooms we had gone into, this was the first one where anyone has entered. We even managed to avoid everyone on the corridors. I was hoping it would be that way. Looks like I ran out of luck.

Outside, I could here feet shuffling agains the floor and then the chair scraping as people took their seats.

I was praying no one sit on the sofas. I've prayed more in these five minutes than I have ever prayed in my whole life. Never been religious.

I heard someone clear their throat " Alright! Is everyone here?" A strong and loud voice asked. Ash. There was no answer.

"Il take that as a yes." He said "Now, we all know what this meeting is about. The 'Ark' people."

Is that what they called us? The 'Ark' people? I guess I should blame myself for telling him all that information, but then again I though I would get some information in return. That was proven otherwise

"I don't see the point in keeping them here, Ash" a high pitch voice spoke. Let them go was what I was excepting her to say next " I say we kill'em all" the voice continued, no emotion in the voice. That was not what I was hoping she would say.

"We won't be doing any killing until we find out if they are a danger to us or not. We know they were at war with the grounders, meaning the could possibly be a threat to our people" Ash spoke once again. "Is that understood?" He asked and I heard several murmured 'yes's and 'alright's.

"What I don't understand is, if they are enemies with the grounders, why would they want to fight with us? We are not exactly on good basis with the grounders either" a man spoke up.

The same man who unlocked the door. I could recognize his voice.

"Yes, now that's a good statement, Alex" Ash answered. "The thing is, that it would take them to do something, before the grounders declare war on them. We don't know what they did. They could have killed innocent or burnt down villages. We simply don't know."

"Yes, but then why didn't you ask them" Alex said

"I will. All in good time, brother" Brother? Wait Alex is Ashes brother? But the way he snapped at me when I literally said he was a dog for Ash, that doesn't make sense.

Could things get any more confusing?

"I sure hope you will" Alex said

"Good. Now, we need to discuss what to do with them" Ash declared.I can barely stand them talking about us like puppy dogs.

"I still say we get rid of them while we can" the high pitch voice spoke again. "If we let them go, and they start another war with us, we will wish we terminated them while we had the chance"

"Amber! Enough" Ash's sharp voice cut through the silence. " We are not going to kill them. Not until we know everything about them anyways" he said.

It doesn't make me feel much better.

"We shall have another meeting once we find out more about them, am I understood? No one is to go near them, or try kill them." Ash declared once again. " Am I understood!?" he asked and the replies came 'Yes' s and 'alright's and even a grumpy 'fine' which I guess came from Amber.

"Alright now, Jerome, could you get the other files from the cupboards" Ash asked and I think my heart stopped beating. The cupbaords!?

Please don't be this one, please don't be this one, please don't be this one.

I heard footsteps coming my way, and I swear I was barely breathing. This is not good. I could feel as jerome's hand curled on the handle on the cupboard. 

Its over. I was found.

"You idiot!"  Ash exclaimed. What was going on? "Wrong cupboard, Jerome. How many times do I have to tell you where we store the rest of our information" He yelled and no one else dared to speak.

I let out a sigh of relief as I hear jerome slowly walk away from me.  

"Meeting is over" Ash announced " Ive had enough of you people" 

I again let out a sigh as I heard people walking outside. I could hear Ash scolding Jerome on the way out "How can a person be so stupid? Your an imbecile Jerome, I hope you know that" I couldn't help but let out a small smile of victory

We were fine. For now

(Next chapter is going to be a Bellamy POV!)

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