Chapter 11

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I waited a few seconds after I heard the door close before yanking the doors of the cupboard open. I crawled out and it felt like I had been holding my breath in there the entire time.

Maybe I had been

I saw Monty crawl out from under the couch and look at me with a mix of relief and fright. I guess he was shocked at the things they were saying too. I dont blame him, I mean who wouldnt be.

"That was close!" He said as he walked towards me "The guy was just about to open the door to the cupboard, we got really lucky!" I smiled faintly

"I know" I said still finding it hard to believe " I think we should get out of here soon. They might come back or you never know"

Monty started to nodd but stopped himself "Dont you think we should look through the papers first? i mean they talked about the grounders too, like they knew them more than we did. They could have something there that could explain all of this a little better" He said

" I dont know, Monty. They could come back in here any second" I said hesitating

"Come on, Clarke! Who knows when we can get another chance like the again? What if they find us and lock us up? We might never know who these people are!" Monty argued

He was right, even I knew it "Fine. But 10 minutes is all and then we are out of here. Got it? we still need to try find a way out" I said

"Got it" Monty said before moving closer to the papers that had been left on the table. How convenient.

Our excitement about the papers was short- lived as the door to the room swung open.


I froze, my Mind going blank and Monty was doing the same. I didn't even bother to run and hide because I knew we wouldn't make it in time. It's finally over. We will get put back into those cells, never be let out and our people would be considered a threat to the mountain men.

It couldn't get much worse.

The door closed as quickly as it had been opened and I came face to face with the new comer.Not who I had expected.


He stood there staring at me and Monty, eyeing us suspiciously yet not looking surprised to see us there. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't find anything to say. Monty just stood next to me silently.

"What are you still doing here?" Alex said, raising an eyebrow at us "I didn't open your cell so you could be found again and put back!"

I couldn't move. So he had opened to cell on purpose. What did he expect me to do? Run around like a lost puppy dog?

"So it was you who opened the door!" It was Monty who spoke in amazement.

"Bravo, genius! Yes it was me. Did you think the door opened by itself!?" he exclaimed.

Monty frowned at him and I finally spoke up

" Why? I don't understand why!" I said and Alex turned to look at me

"My reasoning don't matter. If you don't get out of here in five minutes the rest of the council will find you. I don't suppose you want that to happen do you?" He said waiting for one of us to answer. We didn't

"I didn't think so. Now I say you two get out of here" he said as me and Monty just stared. He gave out a big dramatic sigh and put his head in his hands.

"Come on!" He said while peeking his head out of the door to make sure there as no one in the corridor "Follow me!" He said and we did

I mean, we didn't have much of a choice. Our plan had failed and we didn't find much of anything, let alone answers. Maybe he could tell us about the mountain men. Maybe he could be like Lincoln, and would Tell us about them.

You never know

Besides, worst thing worst, he would abandon us. It was worth a shot.

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